Starting IVF, feeling positive and an... - Fertility Network UK

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Starting IVF, feeling positive and any advice?

EmGLA profile image
7 Replies

Hello you lovely lot,

This is my first proper post here, I've found this forum so rewarding and encouraging; I am so grateful I stumbled across it.

My bf and I have been TTC for 2 years, I have PCOS and since I've been under the fertility clinic they haven't been able to confirm me ovulating in over a year despite 6 rounds of letrozole. Yesterday we signed all the paperwork and got told the magic words that we can start IVF as soon as we want! I wanted to start immediately, until my ever patient bf pointed out what a full schedule I had for the next 3 months. My first response was that we can cancel our summer holiday and work would just have to wait!! The lovely nurse very kindly pointed out that sorting out work deadlines and then going on a sunny holiday could be exactly what I needed to calm and de-stress before starting the process.

I definitely needed both of them to give me some perspective, what is clear from this forum and all the research I have done is the importance of a positive mindset, and as someone who suffers from anxiety I can easily become fixated and overwhelmed with this whole process.

I would be so grateful for any advice for what I should do to prepare for IVF ? I'm considering accupuncture or yoga?? Or healthy diet tips? drinks?

Anyway thank you all in advance and bring on July!!

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EmGLA profile image
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7 Replies
Minnie92 profile image

Hi Emma! I’m currently in my 2ww of my first cycle of ivf with icsi. I would recommend living life normally up until you start as once you start your life really changes, the hormones change you, all the appointments are exhausting and the constant waiting for egg quality results etc ( not trying to put you off just being honest !) once you start you can’t drink or have sexual intercourse (we had to sign to say we wouldn’t do either whilst in treatment) so I would say enjoy yourself whilst you can. Make sure you book time off work especially with it being your first round you don’t know how you’re going to feel. I personally have felt awful since starting stims up until yesterday so over 2 weeks. Iv been having accupuncture since November and it’s teally helped me mentally. My accupuncturist won’t touch me whilst going through ivf - had my last appointment first week of stims - so best to have it prior if you’re thinking about it. Good luck with your cycle, it’s an emotional rollercoaster but so worth it! X

EmGLA profile image
EmGLA in reply to Minnie92

Hi Minnie,

Thanks so much for your reply. Its so good to get that confirmation with someone going through it that I've made the right decision. I really appreciate your advice, and I'm going to look into acupuncture again. Best of luck with your TWW, I'm keeping everything crossed for you!


Minnie92 profile image
Minnie92 in reply to EmGLA

Thank you! Good luck with your cycle! Look after yourself xxx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Hi hon, I'd listen to your OH and to the nurse - very good advice. Between now and then, focus on being as well as you can be - not just physically but mentally, and I think a lovely, sunny holiday together before treatment would be perfect. It's only a few months wait and you can spend it very productively.

I don't live in the UK and all our treatment was done privately, so we could start whenever we wanted, but I'm so glad I waited until I had gotten an insane freelance project out of the way before starting so I could focus on myself and on the treatment and live at a more relaxed pace.

Best of luck for when you do start xxx

EmGLA profile image
EmGLA in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It’s definitely good to be reassured that it’s the correct decision to delay. Congratulations on your own journey! I hope the next 20 weeks go smoothly!! Xx

I completely understand the frustration of having to wait - IVF seems to be mostly about waiting! I’ve been through the same thing and then rushed into a round last year which was our worst yet despite making lots of positive changes to my diet and lifestyle. Who knows why but looking back I may not have been in the best place emotionally. It really is a balance so if it’s too stressful to start sooner (and I would agree that your holiday could do you the world of good), perhaps start doing things to prepare instead so you feel you’re doing something? Get on a good egg quality protocol for starters - they actually say the egg maturation process takes 3 months so that will definitely start you off on the right foot and give your eggs the best possible chance. Make sure he does the same for his contribution - that’s important too!

As for acupuncture and yoga, absolutely! Anything that could help and makes you feel you’re doing your body good gets the thumbs up in my book! I did acupuncture on my only successful round but for some reason not for the last couple when trying for #2. I’ve just come back to it as I really think there’s something to it and at the very least it relaxes you.

Wishing you lots of luck (and a nice relaxing holiday!) 😊

EmGLA profile image


Thanks for you support and advice especially when you’ve just had your egg collection!

What would you advise as a good egg protocol? I just found out my AMH level is 18 but anything that can improve egg quality would be great.

Best wishes for this cycle, I’ll keep everything crossed!


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