I have always loved Mothers Day and I’ve not just celebrated my own mum but all women in my life that act as a mum towards me and who have looked after me!
I’ve always felt so lucky to have my mum and Nan, who are my complete rocks especially at this tough time, still here and my thoughts have always gone to those who have lost their mums.
Leading up to today I’ve known I wasn’t looking forward to it. My mum has gone away for a holiday so I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her and my nan had plans. I decided that I would spend a day with my two gorgeous fur babies- my dogs.
I joked with my husband about him getting me “pity presents” off the dogs.
This morning he gave me the most beautifully written card off them and some little gifts. I wasn’t bothered about gifts really but the card brought me to tears.
He went to his mums. I didn’t feel like going incase our little cutie of a nephew, he’s 1, was going to be their with his lovely insensitive sister.
I just knew I wouldn’t cope! I felt so guilty when he left! Cried again as some of my friends on social media had put lovely posts about people wanting to be mums. Shouldn’t have gone on today but I did! Then I saw it- the sister-In-laws over the top, insensitive post about “Always wanted to be a mama” well then I just realised that’s the reason I didn’t go!
I’ve kept busy- cleaning. My husband came back and he had been crying. He feels it just like me. I gave him a hug and we got on the day as normal.
Home is my happy place and I’m happy that I trusted my gut- which was to avoid people today. Today was hard and it’s a new feeling to all the emotions I already have.
I have such a huge support around me and now I’ve joined on here I’m hoping to become more stronger and resilient!
Well done to everyone that’s going through this undeserved emotional rollercoaster.
One thing I’m getting better at is feeling less guilty about having self care time and avoiding situations that make me feel anxious.
By self care I mean- pjs, Netflix and Ben and Jerry’s. Xx