Well everyone, I honestly never thought I’d be posting this but it is finally my turn. After a hell of a time: first round giving a double transfer one grainy embryo and a grade 3 embryo resulting in a missed miscarriage at 11(8) weeks. Round 2 with 4 embryos - a 5AA transfer failing to implant and a subsequent 4AA transfer implanting I had a pretty tough pregnancy. Bleeding on and off for 13 weeks, crazy anxiety that something was wrong all the time but it was all worth it.
Athena Maggie Kamea Lindbeck was born at 1434 on Wednesday 13th March by planned section at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, she weighed 9lb0.5oz (4.1kg) and measured 19.7 inches (50cm).
She is healthy, beautiful and everything I could ever have dreamed of. We spent two nights in the hospital and came home yesterday - we are still getting to grips with breastfeeding- hungry little monkey isn’t satisfied with my meagre milk production at this point. Hoping that comes good
Anyway - to those of you still fighting this cruel fight and to those starting out, be encouraged - I turn 40 in a few months and never thought I’d ever have a little bundle to bring home and post about - they truly are a miracle.