FET Negative Result - heartbroken. - Fertility Network UK

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FET Negative Result - heartbroken.

8 Replies

Hi all, I’m new to a forum but certainly no stranger to the heartache of IVF.

This is my third round and I’ve just found out that our frozen blastocyst transfer did not work.

I’m 33 and my husband is 44. He has very low sperm count and morphology.

Our first round resulted with me producing 15 eggs but only 1 fertilised. Negative result.

Second round was ICSI again and I produced 20 eggs, 3 resulted in blastocysts. 1 negative result. 1 positive result but this ended up being ectopic and I had to have my left tube removed.

Third round, I produced 21 eggs and 2 fertilised. 1 fresh transfer fail. Our final frozen blastocyst which has now been another negative.

I’m looking for realistic advice on what our future really holds for us having our own children. I have 3 baby showers coming up and my sister is about to have her 3rd baby in June.

Apologies if I sound like a victim but I’m so tired of putting on a brave face :-( any advice will be greatly appreciated xxxxx

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8 Replies
LanaTerene profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. You must be feeling quite sad. I can understand how you feel. I've been through all this. I want to offer you my support. If you feel like talking, ever, just hit me up. I hope your luck turns around, hun. I know how hard it can be!

in reply to LanaTerene

Thank you for the reply xxxx 😢

Hollibob profile image

What do the clinic say about your eggs after collection?

What protocol do they put you on?

Our history:

First round - long protocol

17 follicles at last scan

12 eggs collected

10 injected with icsi

4 embryos fertilised

Day 5 blastocyst transfer of 1x 5ba

1x 5ab frozen

2 progressed for another day, but didn't progress

Slight OHSS

BFP with missed miscarriage - no heartbeat at 9+5 weeks

Second round - long protocol starting on lower dosage to avoid OHSS again

10 follicles at last scan

6 eggs collected

3 injected with icsi

1 embryo fertilised

Transfer day 2


FET round

Using frozen from first round

BFP with miscarriage at just over 5 weeks

Third Round - short protocol

11 follicles at last scan

8 eggs collected

8 injected with icsi

1 embryo fertilised - they said there was debris in the eggs

Day 3 transfer

BFN - started spotting 5 days before OTD

I have endo, low AMH and hubby doesn’t have the best swimmers.

Our first clinic said we were initially unlucky with the miscarriage. After the second ivf miscarriage, I had recurrent miscarriage tests and a hysteroscopy, but nothing new revealed.

For the third round, they said to try the short protocol to see if it gave less, but better quality eggs..they also put me on steroids, blood thinners and baby aspirin, just to see. It made no difference!

After this, I asked for an honest opinion on potential outcomes. We were told with my eggs 10%, but with donor eggs, it could be 50%, but there was still the miscarriage risk.

We went to the London fertility show one year and spoke with a consultant and she said to us that some couples just aren’t compatible in fertility. She said we just had to make a decision together on what would be the best way to have children without ending up emotionally and financially broken.

We spoke with a clinic about donor eggs. The consultant said if there are sperm issues, then a strong quality egg can normally balance out these issues. This clinic recommend a DNA sperm comet test for the guys and hubbys issues were further revealed.

Our donor gave us 11 eggs during collection

3 fertilised

3 continued to day 5

1x hatching blastocyst transferred

The other two weren’t good enough for freezing

We got a BFP and are now in the early stages of waiting for the scan.

This journey has taken us over 6 years to get to and I was 40 in December.

I think you need to ask for honest feedback about the egg quality, sperm quality and what they would suggest next.

Have a look at the access fertility website, they offer different refund packages at different clinics.


in reply to Hollibob

Hi, thank you very much for this feedback.

I’ve been on two long protocols and 1 short - quite similar to yourself.

All ICSI. I’ve also had 2 transferred and it resulted in a negative.

That’s interesting that the sperm should settle if the eggs are of high quality.

Congratulations on your positive 🤗🥰 that is great news.

I feel emotionally exhausted and we haven’t been able to afford to go on holiday or decorate our home and that’s only after 4 years!

I think I’m just going to have to accept that I’m not ever going to be pregnant. We are already talking about adoption.

All the very best in your pregnancy, you absolutely deserve it. Lots of luv and thanks again for the reply xxxx

Hollibob profile image
Hollibob in reply to

Thank you..

Would you consider a donor route?

For me, even though not my egg initially...I know I have loved, grown and looked after our baby from the start.

The donor personality/likes, eye/hair colour was like me and the other parts were like hubby!

I know what you mean..we had a two year gap from the last round using my eggs to the donor eggs..


in reply to Hollibob

I would absolutely consider, yes. I’ll speak to the clinic during our review and see what they say. Due to my husband’s age, he wants us to keep going. Whereas I would really like to take a year off! Xxxx

Celloheggy profile image

Oh Skye2019, I’m so sorry you’re going through this it’s utterly heartbreaking. And annoying putting on a brave face the whole time.

Avoid the baby showers if you have to, I’ve just told a friend I’m busy for hers. As much as I love my friends a whole afternoon of listening to people tell me how they’ve “fallen” pregnant without trying is more than I can take!

I think Hollibob is right, it’s all to do with the quality of the egg and sperm. I’ve only done one round of ICSI but we were incredibly incredibly incredibly lucky that they injected the right sperm into the right egg & gave us our daughter. Our two FETs since haven’t worked. Hubby just did an analysis and ROS test last week. Might do Comet test too but we’ll see what the results reveal, but if the quality isn’t great we’re thinking we’ll give up on a sibling.

Sorry I don’t have any amazing advice but we all somehow seem to keep pulling ourselves through this awful situation. Sending you lots of hugs x

in reply to Celloheggy

Thank you for your kind words 😘 I think your right about the baby showers. Two of them are my bridesmaids 🙈 but the other one I can make up an excuse. Xxxxx

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