My husband and I have been trying for five years, and have recently completed our third round of ICSI, none of which resulted in a positive pregnancy test or any embryos surviving past day 3.
My husband has a normal sperm count, but 100% are immotile and a very high proportion are abnormal. This has been consistent for the last three years, despite supplements, and changes in diet and exercise.
When we were initially referred to an IVF specialist a consultant (not our own) wrote and suggested that an investigation into my husbands pituitary gland function/ hypogonadism might be worthwhile, but our consultant dismissed it and explained my husband's results as genetic. However given that we are now so close to having to give up our dream of becoming biological parents, I wondered if it is worth pursuing this further.
Has anyone else had this more advanced testing, if so what did it involve and did it yield any useful information/ results?
Our treatment has been so focused on me, that all they have done is a semen analysis for my husband, but as it seems to be the biggest barrier for us I wonder if it is worth trying to get to the root cause? Any advice much appreciated.