Can anybody advise or help me with this situation??
Blighted ovum?: Can anybody advise or... - Fertility Network UK
Blighted ovum?

Iam sorry if I have hurted anybody with my words ....iam sorry again... actually really trapped in bad situation so.....iam sorry....
They told me to wait for 2 weeks
What exactly have the clinic said? It seems very strange that they have left you like this?? I would agree with nikib1980 that you need to demand more information from them. Very odd for them just to say go away and come back in two weeks. That is just not good enough. Xx
I don't have any knowledge on this I'm afraid. xx

Hi Twobaby. I assume that you have been diagnosed with this unfortunate condition?? If so, it means that your egg has fertilised but failed to develop after attaching itself to the womb lining. Often thought to be due to a chromosome abnormality. This doesn't mean it will happen again. However, as a general rule you will start to spot/bleed and you will have a miscarriage. So sorry to ear this, and if you have just suffered this, |I hope you have plenty of support just now. Thinking of you. Diane
I don't have any period symptoms and from 2 - 3 days I have stopped cramping's really confusing and scary.....thanks....atleast someone replied.....
I don't have any more embryo s to try back....and as u know ivf procedure is really costly.....and painful...and as I have a also low ovarian reserve am afraid .......
Hi Twobaby. Oh dear! So sorry to hear all this. You may have to wait for another period before it happens, I don't know, but usually, we wait another month, then if nothing has happened, you will probably need a scan to check everything, then offered some medication to complete the process if needed. My thoughts are with you. Diane
I had a blighted ovum and didn’t find out til 12 weeks which I had started bleeding then had a scan it took an extra 3/4 days after for me to miscarry.

Sorry for ur loss... but if u don't mind can I ask..
Did u have Pregnancy symptoms...or cramps
Cause I had cramps till 2 days before from now and aim 8 weeks 2 days...did u have a empty sac on 12 weeks on scan??did ur doctor do blood work for u?? Iam really sorrt if am being's totally ok if don't find ur self comfortable answering me... because i literally know the pain...
Iam really sorry..... cause I jst looked the nook and corner but cudnt find people detailing abt Bo fact i have read much abt it but I needed the real person experience ...really sorry if I have hurt u in any way...gcw104
I didn’t have much pregnancy symptoms only sore boobs I had started getting a bad back before I started bleeding. And yes at 12w it was an empty sac no bloods were done, I was told to do a pregnancy test 2 weeks after so I did it before my check up scan.

Thanks.... dat u shared to me....sorry I made u recall all that which was annoying to u....but u dint mention about cramps did u have them??
Not really that I can remember only once I started miscarrying I had cramps I had cramps at the beginning of the pregnancy nothing major just normal stretching and heavy feeling.
I had another mc after that one and got to 13w but the baby had stopped growing at 9w so different to my first mc I had no bleeding before I found out.
Iam really getting scared....I don't know what will happen?sorry to ask u this was the miscarriage painfull??