So today was transfer day on our first cycle. We were told the embryo is excellent quality and we have been able to freeze one too which was slightly lesser quality but she said it was definitely worth freezing, so that's fab too. I've been super positive and we're so lucky we got our amazing top quality embryo, but my emotions feel all over the place. I'd almost go so far as saying I feel a bit down and I really shouldn't be because today is an amazing day. I'm taking the next couple of days off work to chill and watch boxsets and I'm looking forward to that. I just needed to share as everyone on here is so supportive and i hope someone can help me make sense of my weird mood! Xxxxxx
Transfer day: So today was transfer day... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer day

hey, I'm new here. just saw your post. I'm wishing you the best.
Oh wow well done! And 1 to freeze is great.
I'd say it's totally normal. It's like you have all this build up and then off you go home to do your own thing for a couple of weeks, very odd situation for me.
Share away! We're here with you.
Wishing you so much luck. Xxx
Thank you so much x I feel really selfish for feeling down as it's been a really positive day. Hopefully a good nights sleep will sort me out!
I read your post just now, so sorry you're having such a shitty time, other people can be so unkind, even though I'm sure it's not intentional it really hurts huh. Sending you lots of love xx
I hear ya due for a transfer tomorrow 😣 I'm freaking out as I have no idea how my embies are doing. I'm praying we have 1 at least...and hopefully like you.. 1 for the freezer would be fantastic! This is my second round and from my first out of 11 embies only 1 made it to a decent blasto. Which obviously ended in a BFN 😟 so I feel very different this time round...i swore the first time it would work. Very silly of me. Yes im getting ready to do some binge watching on Netflix lol. I'm going shopping tonight to stock up on fresh pineapple, Brazil nuts and pomegranate juice 😂😂🤣 hey, ill try anything this time, and bonus is i love all those things 😉 so guess we are 2ww buddies! (Hopefilly!) All the very best and I hope this will be both our times!! 😁😘 xxx
Omg good luck for your transfer day. How many embryos do you have this time? We only had 4 so 50% success is good. I've woken up feeling a bit more positive today, I'm going to make a chicken pie from scratch, already done loads of my work emails (so I dont stress I'll have too much to go back to on Thursday) and looking forward to watching more of The Affair 😊. Its so hard as I want to tell myself it'll work but don't want to get my Hope's up but at the same time I'll be gutted either way so I should just be positive 😀 let me know how you get on tomorrow xxxx
Yes 50% is great wow!! Well we had 8 eggs fertilize this time. But I'm not getting my hopes up as last round we had 11 fertilize but only had one good one on transfer day and none to freeze!! So you can imagine how devastated I was. But anyways im trying to be hopeful and stay positive.its very hard tho but I'm trying,and your right that's what I'm trying to tell myself might as well try and stay positive as I'll be gutted anyways so why get depressed now!! In saying that wish me luck for tomorrow I'm having flashes of them calling me before I leave to tell me there is no good embies to transfer 😔see nope nope putting my positive panties on now!!! 😂🤣🙃😁xxx
It sounds like you need to go change those panties and try a new pair of positive ones! Come on we can do this!
I can totally imagine how devastated you felt only having one last time. But that doesn't mean it will be the same this time. What time is your age tomorrow?
If you're not at work today make sure you are super busy xx sending you loads of positive vibes xxxx
Thanks hun yes I'm putting those panties on now! 😁😁😁 well I'm actually in New Zealand so it's 9:15pm here and my transfer is at 11am in the morning so about 14 hours from now 😁😁😁 and yes your right it might not be like my last cycle my OH has quit smoking this time and we both been on vitamins and coq10 to help my eggs and his swimmers so fingers 🤞🤞🤞
I'm glad your feeling better today and chicken pie from scratch that sounds delicious!! 😍 I'm not working at the moment which has been good for injections/scans and egg collection but probably not so good for the 2ww! Lol. Just found a show on Netflix I'm gonna watch called The Good Life it's sooo funny you should check it out! 😁 xxx
I did see your first message was at crazy o'clock AM in the uk but thought you may just be an early riser 😊 but it makes sense. I love NZ, have friends there and have travelled around a couple of times, before I became a responsible adult and started my career.
I have to say, not sure if you've had any checks on the sperm quality before and after taking the vitamins my boyfriend's sperms was 'fine' when he first got checked but then 6 months later after taking vitamins etc his morphology had doubled and was above average! He was chuffed to say the least so I am a believer in that!
Oh thanks for the tip....I'm engrossed in The Affair at the moment but reckon I'll finish the latest season today so I'll give The Good Life a go. Then I'm going back to work Thursday as I'm a teacher and feel guilty leave my classes with cover teachers but allowing myself a couple of selfish days! Xx get an early night so you're relaxed before trying to sleep xx