Facebook drives me mental: ‘Have kids... - Fertility Network UK

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Facebook drives me mental

Charleexn2 profile image
38 Replies

‘Have kids they said, it’ll be fun they said’ followed by a picture of a wall that her child had scribbled on. Lots of comments such as ‘what a nightmare’ and ‘you can say good-bye to a clean house when you’ve got kids.’ 😢.

Every time I see something like this on Facebook it really upsets me. 😢. At least I know that I can write this on here and you’ll all get how I feel. xxx

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Charleexn2 profile image
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38 Replies

Totally get! My brother in law says to me the other day after his boys were being super loud, he said do u really wants kids? U can have mine ha ha ha, I could have punched him.

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to

I hate that one!!!!!! I’ve had that too!!! Was on a night out with some work colleagues last weekend. We all had too many wines and one of them said to me, ‘at least you won’t need to get up early with kids in the morning!’ 😢😢😢. People that haven’t experienced this really have no clue!

in reply to Charleexn2

Oh that’s an awful one, must have felt like taking a hit, at least we can vent on here xxxx

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to

Exactly, I’m so thankful for this forum. I felt so alone before xx

in reply to Charleexn2

Me too!!!!

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to Charleexn2

Or the you’ve been married for 13 years? No kids yet? 🙄🙄🙄

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

My cousin offered us her youngest daughter (of 5 kids) when I was 1dp 5dt because, I quote “She’s being a little b*tch lately” Unbelievable! xx

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to Tugsgirl

😱😱😱😱. What!!!!!!!! That is awful!

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Charleexn2

I know right? We were at a birthday party for my aunt and uncle’s joint birthdays and they’d asked everyone on their invites for donations to our ivf and everyone in the room knew we’d had our transfer the day before (including my cousin) and that it was our 5th transfer. It also sticks in the back of my throat that my cousin has 5 children! And she has the nerve to say that to me! xx

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to Tugsgirl

OMG! That makes it even worse!

jm22 profile image

I've been off facebook since April, don't really miss it to be honest and it was doing more harm to my mental health xo

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to jm22

Think I might be heading that way too to be honest. xx

I unfollow someone every time there is a birth announcement or scan photo, think I must be only follow around half my friends by now 😂

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to

I completely get it. I do the same thing! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to

I do this too 😂🤣

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

I’ve unfollowed so many people that my newsfeed is all ads and pages I follow about history and bunnies and stuff, but mostly ads 😂 xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Lol my news feed is full of cockers lol x

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to

lol for some reason I read that as ‘conkers’ for a second! 😂😂. Just come off night shifts so my brain is tired! I thought a newsfeed of conkers??? That’s weird! 😂😂😂🤣🤣. Thankfully I re-read and noted your screen name. Mine is full of German shepherds xx

in reply to Charleexn2

😂 this journey has drove me crazy but not conker crazy lol lol xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Tugsgirl

Ha ha that made me laugh 😂 I’m the same and because I can only see the ads now I stopped using Facebook altogether xx

CBOO1 profile image
CBOO1 in reply to

😂😂 I do this too!! X

Abaco profile image

Completely understand where you're coming from! Cannot bear to go on there now!

Niki_B profile image

I've officially de activated my account as of a week ago! I just cannot stand anymore everything upsets me lately. Feel so much better for it 😊 xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I’d be so tempted to say something, a sarcastic witty quip. It’s not just Facebook though sadly xx

SJW84 profile image

You would think your own mother would support and understand? My mum says things in front of her friends and tells me to ‘hurry up because she wants to be a grandmother’ 😔 she knows everything I am going through and she’s always making comments like this! It makes me feel hurt and useless x

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to SJW84

My grandma calls me ‘barren’ on a regular basis. I think what we’re all going through is hard enough without having to deal with hurtful and insensitive comments from others. I’m so sorry that your mum says that to you. You are not useless lovely xx

SJW84 profile image
SJW84 in reply to Charleexn2

Omg that’s terrible 😢 what a hurtful thing to say to someone! I am sorry to hear that x

Barbara1012 profile image

Yeah, I hate FB must be the only person in the world not to be on it. This is just another reason for me to stay away. Hope you’re doing ok and work is improving xx

I came off Facebook 2 years ago because I had 3 pregnancy announcements within a week of each other all whilst waiting to start my tests. It's been much better for my mental health. Last year I'd just had my first failed iui and had forced myself to go to a bbq full of children and a pregnant friend. I was asked if I had kids by someone I'd never met. When I said no the woman yelled "yeeeeeaaaah freedom. You can have mine if you want". No thanks love. Xx

Devj profile image

I came off FB for 6 months during my last successful frozen cycle, it did wonders for me and was so less anxious and worked up. I just could’t face more pregnancy announcements or baby pics during my 2ww or those early days. However I fear I may be one of those dreaded mums who post pics of their child too much now! My main reason for posting is for family who we don’t see often so they get to see my little one growing up. I certainly don’t post negative posts of motherhood bad day or not! I regularly say how grateful I am to be in this position. I figure the unfollow button is great and I suspect a few ladies have done this to me and I noticed a girl (who I know is struggling with fertility) has unfriended me. I don’t blame her and am not offended in the slightest as I’ve been there and know how hard it is. It’s catch 22 sometimes. Everyone has to do what is right for them and their mentality during their journey. I haven’t come off it this time, I’ve dealt with it better xxx

Strawberry17 profile image

Hell. Yes. Drives me mad. It’s like they don’t realise how incredibly lucky they are x

Emska77 profile image

Totally understand. Sometimes those king of posts can make me chuckle, but what I struggle with is the daily updates about my friends kids. I mean, literally every single day. Just gets a bit over kill, as it’s like every moment is being diarised. I tell myself it must be just my sensitivity and to get over it, but it’s hard. I also remind myself I might be the same one day! God willing, but I noticed they are getting less likes each time a random pic goes up, so I think most people are finding it a bit much. I generally think people share far too much about themselves on FB, I rarely post more than a few times a year.

kt_11 profile image
kt_11 in reply to Emska77

I don’t think that’s you being sensitive. I’ve been fortunate enough to have my little boy now via IVF and it turns out even being a parent still doesn’t mean you want to see 1000’s of pictures of someone else’s kids! Or updates about what they’ve eaten today or whether they can use the potty etc etc...

I tend to just put one album on facebook each month and maybe 1 or 2 pictures at most will be of him, the rest just places we’ve been and things we’ve seen. I’m always more aware of what I post anyway due to our fertility issues before we were lucky enough to have him, but regardless of that I don’t think it’s fair or necessary to document his every move on social media.

I know times have changed but I always think about who my parents would have shared that kind of stuff with when I was little. They’d show pictures of me to family and close friends, not loads of random people from high school, but that’s often what people are doing on facebook!

Box01 profile image

I came off it about 18 months ago, it was doing me no good and people can be such idiots, albeit unintentionally. I was becoming terrified of seeing another scan picture and I just thought 'why am I putting myself through this'? I'm really glad I did, it really is rubbish and you only realise how weird it is with everyone sharing everything once you're out of the bubble. Try a two week dexot and see how you feel xx

KiraJean profile image

I'm actually not someone that likes the idea of publicly sharing photos of children on social media anyway. I mean they don't actually consent to having their photo put online because they are children. And who does it benefit really? It doesn't benefit the kids, only the parents as far as I can tell. I felt this a long time before I discovered I was infertile.

What I don't like at the moment is all the targeted ads I get online. I will be watching something online and an advert for Clear Blue will come on. I get them repeatedly. It always shows a happy woman telling her female friend that she is 3 weeks pregnant. It is insulting for so many reasons. Partly because I am struggling to have a baby and partly because WHO tells people they are pregnant after just 3 WEEKS?! Amazon was doing adverts for the Alexa device on the tube last year of baby scans and I had to just avoid looking at them...but really...they have no idea who is seeing these images and what they are going through.....

Charleexn2 profile image
Charleexn2 in reply to KiraJean

Oh my god!!! I forgot about that I get loads of that on Facebook too. Targeted ads are rubbish!!

L90fre profile image

I completely relate to all of the comments, I just deleted the Facebook app off my phone so I no longer have access unless I’m on a computer (which is rare). Its the best thing I ever did as I’m sick of ‘moaning’ pregnancy posts! Xx

ChloeL934 profile image

I had that tonight too. I’ve had a bit of a rough evening. I logged into Facebook for the first time in a while and saw pictures of scans, and babies and it just got me down thinking some people have it so easy, I am so happy for them but wishing it was me at the same time! I also got married two weeks ago and the dreaded question of “ do you plan on having children now” so annoying xx

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