Is this a positive? 7dp5dt? - Fertility Network UK
Is this a positive? 7dp5dt?

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Oh myyyyyyy!!! That is no squinter. Looks like you have some exciting times ahead.

I’m in utter shock, I have never seen two lines in 12 yrs ttc. I’m trying not to freak out
Looks promising to me! A lines a line! Re test in a couple days. Fingers crossed for you xx
Looks positive to me! You tested early 😬 gives me hope for my no symptoms x
I know and I said I wouldn’t but I was so sure af was coming I just wanted to get the negative over and done with! Then I saw this 😳
As long as it showed up within the time frame of the test (I think it’s 3min) then looks like a positive to me! 🤗
If showed up within the time frame then yes it's positive. One of the same brands I used when testing and mine looked like that. Try a first response as that's an early sensitive xx
I had one exactly like this and it got stronger over the next 3 days thst I did tests so I would say this is a positive! 💗💗💗🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
Got everything crossed for you!! Xxx 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Thank you x how are you doing?
I’m ok thanks, trying to hold out till Friday but seeing your picture made me want to test really badly! 😂 not really got any symptoms at the moment so trying to stay positive but it’s so difficult! I started to bleed after my first fresh cycle and I knew it had failed, so glad I’m not bleeding but who knows?!!!!
Must be exciting to see a faint line, from what everyone says it’s looking good which is amazing!!! Here’s to a stronger line each day!! 🤞🏻👍🏻 take care xx
😂 I really wasn’t going to test but my husband bought these yesterday lol but said I couldn’t use them. Had a tiny wipe of blood and was convinced game over so thought sod it do a test so I know. Prob shouldn’t have as my head is now all over the place! You only have a few more days so dnt do it! I suppose me and hubby won’t be convinced TIL we officially test of Saturday!
I was so negative and I am getting loads of symptoms so I really don’t think symptoms or no symptoms is a tell tale sign, I really think it is different for everyone. As long as your not full on bleeding I would take that as a good sign x good luck
It really messes with your brain doesn’t it?!? My OH wants me to test Thursday but part of me would rather wait.... well it’s not over until it’s over, that’s what I’m trying to tell myself anyway! 🤣😬 Good luck with everything Xx
That's a great line! Congrats! I had faint lines from 6dp 5dt, was darker when I used the first response! (I also used savers early tests which are about £4.99 for 2 and identical to first response tests)
Good luck for the coming days 😘 X
Yepppie!!! Congratulations!! 🎈
IMO it’s pretty impressive to get a 2nd line on (what looks like) a cheaper test at 7dp5dt! Try & get some First Response early detector tests - the line is usually much clearer on those. Congratulations! 😊 xx