Hi, I'm new to IVF and this forum but hoping it's a place to learn and share.
I am on day 8 of suprecur of a standard IVF cycle, we only get one go on the NHS locally. I can't really think ahead right now, and I am just taking each step as it comes. I have never been pregnant and I am a GP - which doesn't make it any easier. It means I have told fewer people about this journey as I think I'd feel more judged for it if I did share. Only my husband and a few close friends know.
Personally I've accepted this is what we have to do and I am trying to be positive, but feel quite nauseated and some days I think - this is just the VERY beginning, how on earth will I get to even egg collection!
Few beginner questions...
Should I plan ahead now as to what I would do if the first cycle doesn't work? So far I have just been avoiding this
What does BFN and BFP mean? and any other useful acronyms for the forum I need to know?!
Any one else right at the beginning like me to share with?