Which forum to use for pregnancy? - Fertility Network UK

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Which forum to use for pregnancy?

WeeMrsH profile image
31 Replies

Hi ladies

I am just looking for somewhere to go for if I have anxieties/concerns/questions just to get general support now that I’m pregnant going forward. I won’t be leaving here, I am taking nothing for granted - god knows there’s a long way to go - and do still want to check up on all my amazing friends on here.

Where do those of you who are pregnant turn to?

Thanks x

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WeeMrsH profile image
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31 Replies

I am looking for this too....x

Count the kicks on fb do pregnancy pages called due in ..........and you join the month of yr due date. So everyone is at a similar stage of pregnancy so great to talk to others and share any worries. Our page is still going even though all the babies are here and we talk about feeding, sleeping etc xx

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to

Is it a closed group thing? ie my own FB friends would not see the posts? x

in reply to WeeMrsH

Yes completely private once you going the group x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to

Thanks for the info x

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi! I would recommend going to an ante natal class - NCT, Daisy Foundation or yogabellies are the three I know. I would check what’s on in your local area. Most let you start from 12 weeks. A great place to learn, talk about your concerns and also meet a group of women who will be an invaluable support once baby arrives 👶🏽 🍼 💕 They usually have Facebook groups you can join once you sign up to classes too x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Hopeful1982

Daisy Foundation not in my area. I can find NCT ones but it looks like they don’t start till Oct/Nov for my January due date. I’ll maybe ask my midwife if there’s any where I can go meantime - thanks for the suggestion x

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to WeeMrsH

That’s a shame it doesn’t start until a bit later! I would definitely recommend giving them a go. It’s nice to have a network of mums you can hang out with when you’re on mat leave. It really helps! x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Hopeful1982

I definitely plan on taking the classes, just not sure there’s anything like that for me at this stage - will see what my midwife says. Thank you 😘 x

bms12 profile image

On healthunlocked there's a pregnancy association x

Lilli79 profile image

I joined NCT on here but swiftly left, I find people on this forum much more helpful and understanding. I'm sure people on here wouldn't mind if you posted a few questions. Whatever you do don't join netmums or mumsnet or whatever its called - absolutely awful!!!

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Lilli79

Didn’t fancy netmums at all! 😃

Lilli79 profile image
Lilli79 in reply to WeeMrsH

Lol, everyone is so judgemental on there! And every little pain or symptom to them is always something really serious. Don't think it would be a calming forum at all 😄

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Lilli79

NCT on here is awful! Also agree there are so many judgmental people on a lot of forums! I definitely found the face to face classes much more helpful! x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I'm with made for mums. But tbh there is no where quite like here. Once your used to here it's really hard to get that kind of rapport any where else. I post on nct every now and then and mixed feelings about it. If I get worried about something our super star ⭐Diane is always so helpful she's helped me through plenty situations.

Hope you manage to find somewhere your happy with


WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I can imagine it would be hard to “go” elsewhere and with the IVF nuances we are still not quite the same as the average pregnant woman so the stresses or concerns we have might just not be heard the same way - not to mention everyone on here are such gems.

I am seeing a consultant next week, I think to do with the clot/bleeding I had.

I need to settle into a new routine as a “pregnant woman” and that’s taking some adjustment. It’s a nice problem to have 💜

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to WeeMrsH

Bless ya, it's a lovely problem to have. I'm so, happy for you 😘.

I think the fb group sounds great I'm not on fb and don't want to be on either.

I understand what you mean due to ivf iv certainly learnt a lot here regards ivf and its opened my eyes and fears a lot more than when I initially came to this site .

You've always got us on here and theres a few at the same stage as you too.

Good luck with the consultant next week it feels daunting but they're brilliant and have our best interests at heart you really do feel your in good hands. My hospital appointments are all go from next week onwards.

Let us know how your appointment goes hun 😘💖

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Gosh I can imagine you’re all go from the renal stuff! Hope it’s all in hand and you’re feeling well. I’ll keep you posted - thanks as always xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to WeeMrsH

Their just being cautious hun. All my tests, are normal. But their words it would be wrong to just see this continue without intervention from renal team so their basically making a, plan to check up on me and take bloods every so often bp is every two weeks. I'm an odd, ball showing signs of disturbing things but nothing to be found. Im ok apart from the tiredness and odd painful headache. Lots of love and send my love to Mrs Emu too hope all is well with her 😘💞

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I’m glad you’re being looked after. I surely will pass on your love to Mrs Emu! 💕 Xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to WeeMrsH


Catybr profile image


I would recommend fertility friends they have different forums for wherever you are on your journey xxx

samrakkar profile image
samrakkar in reply to Catybr

I’ve just recommended the same! It got me through my journey and made life time friends that all went through it at the same time x

Same as button kicks count one is really good and there’s lots of people to have answer any questions etc. I find the NCT one on here isn’t all that nice sometimes xx

samrakkar profile image

Fertility friends lovely find a group that have done Ivf same time as you and your all at the same point with your worries. Chill xx

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to samrakkar

I like the idea of going to a group/class too but I think the official ante-natal classes don’t start till well later in pregnancy do they. I think I’ll ring my midwife Monday see if she is aware of anything local that’s right for this stage. But I will def try something like Fertility Friends, thank you x

Mrsh123 profile image

Great idea. Sometimes you just need to be at the same stage as people for your concerns don’t you.

Was so so happy to read your scan update yesterday. Congratulations on your scan. I know that feeling of excitement yet it being cautious excitement. I don't get on the forum quite as much these days so do check up on all you ladies when i do, and so lovely to see this.

I had the same issue adjusting a few years back when I was expecting following IVF, after many years ttc and a few endo surgeries. I had all sorts of different pregnancy issues but couldn't find anywhere that I felt comfortable with, to ask questions and get support.

From experience I really agree with everyone else's replies here. Steer clear from posting on NCT, they are a really harsh lot. But NCT in real life is a godsend and I highly recommend it, but it's only useful towards end of pregnancy and when baby arrives. NCT online v reality, two very different things. I had horrible experience of NCT on HU and left HU completely after then rejoined for sibling ivf.

Fertility friends is a very lovely community. I second or third or fourth the recommendations on that. Nice bunch.

I have no experience of FB pregnancy groups because I was so concerned about sharing anything via fb, even private groups. A school friend of mine has somehow found an endo support group I am member of and is a member, and does not have endo. So I'd be cautious with FB.

But i was mainly writing to say, stay here, as this is such a valuable and unusually supportive safe place. Perhaps set up a group private chat email on here with a bunch of us who are (or were pregnant) following IVF and we can all pool our experience and help you out with all those questions and niggles and worries that we all get when expecting following IVF and years and years of ttc. xxx

WeeMrsH profile image

Hey, thanks so much for your very lovey reply. That’s so good of you. I am going to ask my midwife if there’s any local group suitable for this stage but if not then probably give fertility friends a go. It’s that way you don’t want to be posting on here with pregnancy gripes or questions given it’s so sensitive - so yes maybe a private chat group is a good way to go. Thanks lovely, and hope you’re well xxx

Lynnr54 profile image

There is a secret group (so totally private) set up on Facebook for ladies from this forum who are currently pregnant. Most of the original members have now had their babies/are almost due but there’s no reason why we can’t get a load of new members included who are towards the start of the pregnancy journey.

WeeMrsH profile image

Thank you Lynn, what’s the name of the group and I’ll have a look.? There could well be a few others who may be interested x

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