Ive had two rounds of ICSI with partners sperm both rounds failed. Just had the email for donor eggs in Cyprus and its very expensive thought it was cheaper than UK but pretty much same price and hotel and flights on top etc. Is IUI with donor sperm a waste of money at 40? Ive never had IUI. I believe it's cheaper than IVF too is that true? Thanks ladies Xxx
Is IUI a waste at age 40?: Ive had two... - Fertility Network UK
Is IUI a waste at age 40?
Hi there, I really think it's a personal choice if you want to give it a go. Before my first icsi last summer we were initially encouraged (by a very young and inexperienced doctor) to go for for IUI. I subsequently changed consultants and the new one said it was a complete waste of time at my age (I was 37 at the time). I'm glad we didn't go for it in the end, I don't think it would have worked for us. The statistics say that you have the best chance with icsi treatment, but as I say it's all down to personal choice xx
Yeah just been reading up online its like a 5% chance of success at my age!!! Looks like i will just be throwing my money away! X
Did you have PGD to check your embryos were normal? Depends how hormones/AMH looks! Your clinic should be able to advise but at 42 with an excellent AMH (drs couldn’t believe how high for my age and lots of natural follicles) still my grade A blastocysts (perfect on the outside) turned out to be 70% abnormal in my first cycle and 90% abnormal in my second cycle - only 1 in 9 was chromosomally normal. You could give it one more go, depending on advice and then maybe look at egg donation xxx
No i havent had testing on my embies as we only ever had 2 which were put back on day 3 transfer. My AMH was 4.79 from what i can remember. Clinic have never mentioned testing sperm or eggs etc. They just said my embies looked good and transferred them xx
I can understand why they didn’t but mine all looked perfect but abnormal 😓 we could have gone on having another 8 transfers and getting nowhere because the abnormal ones will not implant. It’s a hard decision and if money wasn’t an issue i’d Give it another shot with your own eggs and then seriously get my head around egg donation. I really hope it works out 🤞🏼
There’s so much mixed opinion about day 3 or day 5 transfers but embryos naturally appear in the uterus on day 5 so are thus more receptive with the endometrium. Maybe try a day 5 transfer next time 😘
I think were gonna go donor next bit tandem so i still get one more shot with my own eggs Xx
What a load of crap! I'm pregnant over 40 from IVF along with plenty of other women thanks very much. You are also completely stupid if you think a surrogate can't miscarry... You live in the dark ages if you believe you need someone to carry a baby for you if your over 40. Stop putting people down & get a life!!!!
I’ve reported it I think it’s a “troll”; they always say the same always about “ surrogacy” not that I have an issue with surrogacy because many couples have a family they wouldn’t have had.😍
Try not to get upset by the insensitive and frankly ridiculous comment that’s exactly what they want.
My late Gran had my mum at 40 and that was in 1959 all natural and no issue with the pregnancy or birth !
Lots of women have children later in life. It’s just how it is now 😎 xoxo

I saw the original comment and I was too annoyed to reply! What's wrong with these people? Now every time I see surrogacy or the Ukraine mentioned in a post I just want to report it, even if its genuine. Don't get me started on the replies which make no sense whatsoever!!
I didnt understand what they were going on about! But clicked on something was a miss. Ive had something similar posted on my wall before but when ive looked on their profile there was nothing there, no previous posts or anything X
if you consider undergoing treatment at clinics abroad, I would recommend IVF clinics in Poland - top-notch treatment at affordable prices (IVF is from EUR2,500) Good luck
Thanks alockie i will look into that. XX
I tried 3 rounds with my own eggs. Premature ovarian failure apparently - so I get very small numbers of eggs. 3, 2 then 1. I am now going down the donor egg route. But everyone is so different and it really does take just one egg.
Good luck with whatever you decide. Xxx