I had my scan today and they found 3 sacks 🙀 but she said it’s still too early and they want me to go back for another scan next week. I am still really confused about how they work out the dates as I believe I am only 4 weeks but they say I’m 6 weeks. When I see on here people have scans at 6 weeks and they can see their little bean and even a heartbeat but all that was on mine was 3 black circles. I googled 4 week scan and the pictures look exactly the same. So am I 4 weeks like I think or 6 weeks and my embryos aren’t developing at the correct rate. I don’t know what to think, someone please help. I had egg collection on 29th March, transfer on 3rd April and test day was 14th April. I thought I would get peace of mind after today’s scan but I’ve come away with even more worry.
Please help: I had my scan today and... - Fertility Network UK
Please help

When you had egg collection is like you are 2 weeks already as it counts as of it’s from from day one of a normal period. Confusing! So if it’s 4 weeks since collection then you are 6 weeks I think. I don’t know what you would expect to see in a scan sorry as I haven’t made it that far but I hope they are ok xxx
That is a very early scan, try not to worry. You are 6 weeks as it is measured from 2 weeks before your ovulation/egg collection day. Usually first scan is not until 7 or 8 weeks, then they would expect to see a heartbeat. My egg collection was 26th March and my scan is next week. The waiting is horrible. Good luck for your next scan xx
Yes Ora9298 is right - they add on two weeks so you’re 6 weeks but I know that a couple of days can make all the difference in what you see on a scan. I had a scan before at just under 6 weeks, there was a heartbeat but it wasn’t as developed as my recent scan at 6 weeks exactly. The scan next week will show more clearly. There’s a lot happen in just a week! What I’ve learnt is not to be afraid of asking questions as I’ve come away before and been a bit confused about what the nurse has said. Next time I’m asking all the questions!
Hi Beauty, have you Googled ivf calculator, that's what I did to see what I was. I had my egg collection on 9th April and it says I'm 5 weeks, which would make sense as I've added two weeks on prior to egg collection/fertilisation. From what I've read, I think it's pretty normal just to see the sacs at this stage, a lot can develop in the next few days or so. Xx

Hi beauty1984. From my calculations, on the 29th March when you had your egg collection, you are considered to be 2 weeks pregnant. so by the 3rd May you will be 7 weeks, which is a good time to get scanned. Obviously, I hope all is well and you get to see your embryo(s). Thinking of you. Diane
Thanks Diane, that’s reassuring. I was just confusing myself with dates and not quite understanding how it was worked out. Was expecting to see more on this scan and to have some more reassurance but hopefully next weeks scan will give us that xx