Hi guys I did a natural FET last Friday , I’m so on edge as AF is due like now! I never been so scared of seeing it! Really need some positive thoughts to get me through the next few days! I feel so emotional! How ya everyone coping on the 2ww? Good luck and lots of baby dust to you all x
6dp5dt- feel like I’m going insane! - Fertility Network UK
6dp5dt- feel like I’m going insane!

Fingers crossed for you. Make sure you keep yourself busy!
Good luck lovely when is your OTD? I’m 9dp5dt and bloods are booked for Monday. Got a positive hpt yesterday but I’m waiting for the bloods before I get excited xxxx
Mine is 6th March. I did a hpt this morning and it was negative but my period not arrived yet so feel abit messed up! I’m not taking any pessaries as a natural cycle! I don’t know whether I have tested too early? I couldn’t help it as I’m on work and it’s making me so anxious, the thought of seeing AF!
6dp is definitely too early. I would say earliest you should really test is 8/9 days past and that is still really early! Your clinic have given you OTD for a reason, try to hold out!! Have everything crossed for you xxx
I’m right there with you. 7dp 5dt today. Had some twinges, some sharp. Mild backache. Slightly nauseous occasionally (I swear that’s just nerves). And the cramping is due to progesterone. I don’t feel much like I did on my last two bfp cycles. It will be a miracle if I get a bfp on Tuesday 😞 xx
Trusting you will get your miracle on Tuesday. Every cycle is different. Praying 🙏🏿 for you.xx
I just don’t know, Af has not arrived which I guess is good for a natural cycle but I am convinced it is over especially because I caved and did test. Just thought it would make it easier if in work and saw AF! I guess as my transfer was not until 6pm I’m Clinging to the fact that my Fmu is only a 6dp5dt!