Just had my CD14 scan and my lining is 9.1 and my left follicle is 18mm so we’re on the way home now to take my trigger shot! Cyclogest and Lubion start Tuesday and heparin injections start on Wednesday. Transfer is booked for 3pm (🤞thaw embie thaw 🤞) So here comes my 4th transfer 🙏🏻(hopefully) and my 4th tww 🙏🏻 xx
Fet transfer booked for Friday 23rd 😮 - Fertility Network UK
Fet transfer booked for Friday 23rd 😮

It’s all happening! Wishing you all the very best Vicky. Really wishing for good news for you xxxxxx
Hi Tugsgirl, did they sort out your medication for this round? I really really hope it all works out for you. Am sure everyone on this forum (including me) are keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you!! Will be waiting for updates 😊 xxx
Yes meds all sorted. All in a box waiting at home. Trigger shot this evening then pessaries and Lubion injections Tuesday then adding in blood thinning injections on Wednesday xx
Good luck with this treatment. I had mine transferred yesterday its my first fet and I have been reading that pineapple and the core are super for day 1 to 5 is this correct? Any other advise welcome. I really hope it works for you xx
Wishing you so much luck for this transfer, keeping everything crossed that this is your time xx
Good luck 😙😙😙😙
Wishing you the very best of luck Tugsgirl! I have my fingers crossed and sending positive vibes your way xxx
Good luck lovely 🤞🤞🤞
Wishing you all the very best! 💖🍍💫🥑✨everything’s crossed for you! 🤞 xxx
Good luck xx

Hi Tugsgirl. Numbers are looking good. Love to you and your fella. Soon little embie will be back inside you where he/she belongs. Thinking of you masses. Diane
Wishing you lots of luck 🤞🏻 Xxx
Good luck.... prayer it all goes well xxx
Fingers crossed for you. Sounds great and exciting times for u. I am going to have FET in next couple of months. Had my EC Monday and finally feeling a bit better today. Can I ask how long u had to wait between the two? This is my first ever IVF cycle x
Normally between cycles it’s three months. I didn’t have EC with this one. But in your case it may be sooner, just as soon as everything has all settled down for you I would have thought xx
Good luck Tugsgirl. All the best, how many are you having transferred ?? I’m two weeks behind you roughly let’s hope we can do this xxxx
Good luck! 🍀 xx
Good luck Vicky. Everything crossed for you 🤞 xxx
Fingers crossed my lovely lady that this is it for you. Wishing you calmness happiness and every success. I wish you all the baby dust and happiness in the, world 💗💗🤗😘😘
Good luck - here's hoping 4th time is the charm!! x
Everything crossed for you, sending lots of love and positive vibes xxx

Thank you 😊 xx
Good luck Vicky I really hope it works out this time xxx
wooooo hoooooo! wishing you all the best of luck. so hope this is your time ✨💕✨
Great lining. Praying your transfer goes well x
I wish you the very best. It's all happening so quick for you. I pray this time around baby will stay fine and healthy and come at the right time.
On a lighter note. At times I think within myself if it's possible to do the trigger shot on a natural FET, do some bd and still go for FET and if one could get twins from that.
Good luck with everything, I have everything crossed for you xx
Sending you lots and lots of luck x
All the best xx
Good Luck X
That's awesome news Vic. Can't believe it's so soon, I didn't realise you'd started the drugs.
Lots of love and luck to you both. xxxx

I hadn’t really except for aspirin and now I’ve just had my trigger. Next meds start on Tuesday xx And thank you xx
Wishing you the very very best luck!! Xxx
All the best of luck thinking of you xx
Amazing got everything crossed for you both xxxxxx
So pleased for you, I have everything crossed for you and your husband. You really deserve this happiness xx
Good luck xx
Oh fingers crossed for you, hoping so much that this will work for you. Wishing you all the luck in the world 🍀 xx
Good luck my lovely!!
Forgive my ignorance but what’s a trigger shot for in a frozen cycle?
Oh very exciting! Wishing you all the best and every success. Trusting and praying that all goes well for you. Xo
Wishing you lots of luck lovely got everything crossed for you xxxx
Good luck! Really hope this is the one for you x
Good luck I have everything crossed for you Hun 🤞🏼Xx
Wow, good news so far, thinking of you, good luck, you've got this xxxxx
Excited and anxious for you all at the same time, so very hopeful all goes well for you 💕 xx
Wishing you the very best of luck. I find you so inspiring Vicky. I really do hope this is the one for you. You have really earned it. x
Pleeeeeaaaaazzzzeeeeee work this time little embie, I’m keeping my fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyeballs & anything else I can find crossed for you from now til your OTD...it’s gotta work, you wouldn’t let me put up with being this uncomfortable on top of all my other pain so here’s to a BFP ASAP! Thinking of you and sending you all my best wishes, you deserve this to work so v much 😘
Lovely message and I genuinely appreciate it. Thank you so much xx
You’re welcome, I’m willing success comes your way so much, u both deserve it xx
Btw how are you doing atm? xx
Not brilliant unfortunately but thanks for asking. Cycles won’t return to normal 5 months post miscarriage so can’t do another transfer yet as things all over place. V bad heart palpitations, ovulating around day 6 yet having 30+ day cycles, don’t know what to do. Feel like my body has just had enough now, Endo flared up & an on my knees. Got 4 embryos frozen from donor cycle but can’t go ahead until things more settled and time running out fast, I’m 45 at Christmas. Starting to panic which isn’t helping the anxiety levels. You know the drill more than most though, it’s a stressful business isn’t it. Keeping my fingers crossed for you love 😘 xx
Ovulation on day 6 omg, how stressful it all sounds for you. I don’t have any suggestions and I expect it’s all been suggested re; getting your cycles back on track. Are you doing anything relaxation wise? Like reflexology? Acupuncture? Are you having counselling? Sorry for all the questions and I expect you’ve probably thought of them all before but just trying to think of things that could reduce your stress, which could only be a positive thing xx
I’ve tracked my cycles for 6yrs since TTC & am always an early ovulater-around day 10 or 11 but 6 is crazy isn’t it. Problem is u get more stressed & In turn that makes things even worse! The one thing I had in my favour was regular natural cycles so didn’t need any oestrogen medication for any transfers which helped massively to not flare up my endometriosis, but now everything is so all over the shop it’s a mess. The consultant said I’d need more medication ie oestrogen, if my body wasn’t playing ball, first step is to persuade my clinic to do a range of blood tests throughout month to try and see what’s happening I think? Miscarriage seems to have thrown everything out totally.
I am not v good at being kind to myself, had a massage for the first time in years last week & just broke down crying, I hold things together so much & try & keep going but I think the massage sort of released some emotion. I’m afraid when the flood gates open I won’t be able to ever close them again!! I’ve tried reflexology and acupuncture in the past but not had great success. Like you, I always have icy cold hands/feet/nose and when I’ve done acupuncture they always remark about circulation and things being stagnant, I think Chinese medicine even refers to Endo as blood stagnancy. I saw a counsellor once but they were just so beyond understanding the extent of the pain & struggle I was going through, it just made me feel even more frustrated! You know yourself how much it takes out of you trying to conceive and I have to try & find a way of managing all that comes with that alongside living with a chronic illness. I haven’t worked for a couple of years to try and reduce stress and have a v understanding partner but it’s too much to handle and I can’t seem to escape from it all. I’m baking a healthy version of banana bread this afternoon and doing some gardening as I at least find cooking and gardening calming!
I just struggle that no one truly understands the hell infertility can bring, bar everyone on this forum like yourself. I look happy & healthy on the outside so everyone wonders what the fuss is about!! Can’t allow it to drag me down though.
Anyway, don’t want to moan and get you down, you’ve got a big day coming and I’m routing for you love, keep strong and positive and I’ll be thinking of you over these coming weeks. Thanks so much for your texts, so kind of u to care when you’ve got all your worries, it’s much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend 😘
I just wish I could do more to help 😞 Banana bread sounds lovely 😊 Try to have a good weekend too. I’ve got the delights of grocery shopping to look forward to this afternoon... Thanks for your support xx
Just like I wish I could do more to help your dreams come true. This journey seems to hit the nicest & kindest of people, I’ve a twin sis who is hard as nails, no compassion or empathy to my situation & she had 4 kids, her last at nearly 43, the world can be very cruel but i hold on to believing the bigger the lows that hit you, the bigger the highs will come! Banana bread with maple syrup & coconut oil instead of tons of sugar and butter, trying to convince myself it’s s not healthier!! Enjoy your shopping, drop a treat into the trolley for you! Thinking of you and wishing u all the v v best love xxx
Lots of postive love on here for you! Wishing you all the best with your FET 🤞 X
Keeping everything crossed that this is your time and that you’ve finally found your solution with the extra meds. I like that they can time your ovulation - I hadn’t realised they could do that! My FET is also on 23rd. Here’s hoping it works for both of us! x
Crossing all the fingers and toes xx
Good luck lovely!!xxxx
All the very best Vicky! Fingers crossed for a smooth transfer and the news you have been waiting for. No one deserves it more! Will be thinking of you xx
Fab news! Wishing you lots and lots of luck xx
Wishing you so much luck for a successful round xx
All the best for the 23rd!
Let this be the one! Sending huge love and good thoughts your way xxx
Wishing you the very best of luck. I’ll keep my fingers crossed this is your time xxx
Oh wow, like everyone else I just want to wish you well with everything 💕 lots of baby dust for you too!! xx
Hey Hun, I’ve only just seen your post as I’ve been absent from here for a while, self preservation and all that!
Just wanted to wish you so much luck..... you are always such a support to everyone on here xxx
Good luck for tomorrow lovely! Be thinking of you till OTD xx
I missed the original post! Wishing you lots of luck for tomorrow xx

Thank you xx
Good luck sweetie... 🍀🍀🍀🍀 I want to see you with a great big smile in the coming weeks... it'll be a very happy moment for all of us. Xx
Thank you 😊 xx
Ps Rubinaa how are you these days? xx
I am doing fine 😘 much more relaxed and comfortable ever since I crossed the 12-15 week mark. I am 24 weeks today and taking every week as it comes, loving the monthly scans and comparing the measurements of the previous months... I guess the time now feels as though it's flying as opposed to the initial days...
I wish all the best of luck to u sweetie, I was once a lady with no hope or direction but God made it all possible for me after 5 hard years of trying, relax yourself and let it all take its course... a thousand folds of luck for tomorrow and the coming weeks. Xx
Again thank you. It’s nice to know all is going well for you. Thought I’d ask as I hadn’t seen any updates from you for a while. Glad for you xx
Good luck for tomorrow Tugsgirl we'll all be thinking of you xxx
Good luck.... not breathe enough to post when things are happening for me but if and when I have good news I will post a pic of my longed for...
Wishing you lots of baby dust and sprinkles

Thank you kind Lady xx
Good luck for today and the rest of the 2ww- hope it doesn’t drag too much. Hope this is your time xoxo
Just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world today Vicky, hope it all goes to plan!xx
Good luck today xx
I’ve been awake since 6am worrying about the call to the lab. Keep having to tell myself “The embie will be fine. It won’t perish. Just get through today. You can do this. It’s not long until 12pm. It will be fine. This time tonight my embie will be back where it belongs. Breathe” 😂 xx
Good luck for your transfer.... and a quick and POSITIVE Two week wait x x