Everything is ok : Hi all just to let... - Fertility Network UK

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Everything is ok

Fredaflintstone profile image
59 Replies

Hi all just to let you my scan was ok. Both little beans are still in there and measuring ok sizes which is a huge relief - I was incredibly nervous beforehand and during the scan. Apparently there is a little bit of blood but it’s not near the embryos and the doctor didn’t seem worried.

Thank you all for your support. It means the world. Am still going to take it easy to get the beans more settled in and to try to get my energy levels back up.

Love and hugs to you all xxx

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Fredaflintstone profile image
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59 Replies
C_L_A_I_R_E profile image

Great to hear good news! Rest up Hun x

Great news xx

Shanks_21 profile image

Fantastic news xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Great news least you can rest now. Did you ask the Dr if the bleed would cause you to bleed again ? Xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Yes i hope so.

Yes she said it might and that 20% of people get bleeding in early pregnancy without explanation. She said I only need to go back to EPU if I have heavy red bleeding xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Fredaflintstone

Glad you got some reassurance there xx

Dream32 profile image

Brilliant news. Get plenty of rest and look after yourself x

Mircle2 profile image

Aww that's great news hun... just rest up now stay positive xxx treat yourself to a spa or something x

kt_11 profile image

Great news! Take care of yourself now and hope you feel better soon x

Lou9 profile image

Brilliant news! Look after yourself. Xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Excellent news, pleased to hear your update!!💖xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Cinderella5

How are you doing? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Fredaflintstone

I'm ok ta. Just had another scan to check lining to make a final decision of cancel or go for transfer. Best measurement was 7.4mm which is still under the clinics minimum of 8.5mm so suspect they will cancel but sonographer said it looked beautiful😂 so will have to sit tight and wait on their decision!xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Cinderella5

So it’s increased? Can’t thy just wait a bit longer? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Ive already been on medsfor 3 weeks and Im on a huge dose (16mg per day) which isn't great and it's been 7mm for the last 2wks so they said they cant continue on it for any length of dose so today is D-day.xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Cinderella5

Oh ok. Have you got the triple levels that they look for? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Yes a beautiful triple line so I think that's the only thing that could tip it in my favour! Just have to be patient & trust they know Best!!xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Cinderella5

That’s good. Difficult waiting for a decision. Thinking of you xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Should hear back soon hopefully! Thank you😘

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Cinderella5

Good luck xxx

Great news xx

Great News, take it easy xx

E_05 profile image

Glad to hear everything is okay, get lots of rest xx

Fredaflintstone profile image

Thank you all - I have absolutely nothing planned for the weekend just rest - though I am climbing the walls a little! Xxxx

Tugsgirl profile image

So pleased for you. Must be at least some weight off xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you - yes it’s is though I know I won’t stop worrying xx

N_M_10 profile image

Phew so happy for you! Xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to N_M_10

How are you? Xx

NMP1026 profile image

Brilliant news xx

krw345 profile image

Wonderful news. Must be such a relief. So happy for you xx

Sunshine09 profile image

Amazing news, you just take it easy hunny, & keep those wee beans snug 🤞🌈💗💙👣👣❤️💋

Leesara profile image

That’s good news, it’s a relief for you. Wishing you health pregnancy x

Poppy16 profile image

So pleased that all is well! Fantastic news. You continue to take care of yourself and rest plenty.xo

Rubinaa profile image

Awwww great news and now please relax as much as you can. Xx

Kyell2 profile image

Brilliant news, I’m so glad it all went well.

Enjoy the rest, now that your scan went well you can relax 😀x

Jaky76 profile image

Oh so pleased to hear that.. Rest up xxx

Hormomalmess profile image

Fantastic news, so pleased for you xx

Nkoko profile image

Ah very exciting! Well done!

Fab news. So glad to read this xxx

Amanda86 profile image

So pleased to see this!!! 😘😘😘 rest up xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image

Thank you everyone xxx

good to hear some nice news for a change.

Alessia profile image

Things never go perfect deary. Dont stress too much about the blood or anything. It is normal i guess... As long as the doctors didn't make a big deal about it you'll be fine. You have fought bravely up until now. It can be said with absolute certainty that you are past the danger. From now on only happiness follows. Eventually you'll hold your baby in your arms. I cant eait dor the day that you look back at whole this... The struggle, the tears, the sleepless nights and all that... You will look nack and say it out loud, it was all worth it. God bless you dear. I will be praying for you. With fingers crossed hoping for the best! Lots of love, kisses and hugs for you deary xxooxxoo

bluewanderlust profile image

This is the most fantastic news! Am so pleased for you, just rest up the first trimester is really tiring and you will need lots of sleep xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to bluewanderlust

Thank you. I’m exhausted! Does it get easier? Xx

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to Fredaflintstone

Yes it does! I felt awful and was sleeping all the time up until week 13 then all of a sudden the cloud lifted and I have loads of energy now. It will happen just try to relax for now xx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to bluewanderlust

Thank you xx I’ve been signed off for two weeks so just resting. Am dreading give my back to work but that’s a way away get so I’ll enjoy the rest for now. How far along are you now? xx

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to Fredaflintstone

Thats good just try and enjoy while you can. I am nearly 22 weeks now, its going so quickly!xx

Amanda86 profile image

How you feeling Fredaflintstone? Xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Amanda86

Hiya - I’m still off work - got signed off for two weeks after the bleeding and so glad I did coz I’ve been so useless - nauseous all day, worse in the evenings, waking four times at least each night to eat banana bites - except last night I slept for the first time. So tired - need a two hour nap each day. Feeling a bit better today but then I worry that somethings wrong. I don’t mean to moan but it’s been pretty hard. Still googling all the time. Still worried. Got first midwife appt on Friday. Got to go back to work Thursday but not feeling up to it. Hoping this will all pass soon and it’ll get easier. How are you doing? Xx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Ahh your body is going through so much, it's no wonder you feel so rubbish!!

How far on are you now? I google like mad too lol and was reading HCG levels out between weeks 8-11 which sometimes can result in feeling a little bit more normal again. Hopefully won't be too long until you feel a little better!

Do you think you'll return to work or will you maybe get signed off longer?

I'm ok, having good and bad days. Apart from actually vomiting several times a day, having crazy saliva production and feeling more tired I'm ok. The sickness has been getting me down, especially in work as people are now questioning it, it's so hard to hide! Today I've not been sick (yet) so praying I might have a sick free day for once.

I'm also hating all food and fluids because everything tastes like rubbish, so just forcing myself to eat and drink because I have to really.

I just can't wait to have my 12 week scan. Reasons being I'm hoping I might feel a little better by then and I'll also be relieved to be able to tell people in work so I don't need to try and hide it all if I am still being sick and things lol xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Amanda86

Aw that sounds hard! Sorry to hear you’re sick so much. Definitely hard to hide at work - I’ve been lucky in not being there but it’s coming. I’ve been sick but only a few times. Mostly just nauseous all the time except for a short time between eating. I also don’t like most foods and have gone off veg entirely which I usually love.

I’ll be 9 weeks tomorrow. Are you in week 9?

I’m going to work from home Thurs and Fri morning and then go in next week. Will be just under 10 weeks then so only 2 weeks to get through.

Have you got your midwife appt? Xx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Yes it's rubbish, doctor thought it was acid reflux but I'm beginning to wonder as it doesn't happen just after I eat anymore it's very random and just happens whenever it wants really lol.

I'm 9 weeks 2 days today.

That sounds like a good idea to work from home Thursday and Friday 🙂

My first midwife appointment isn't until 27th November when I'll be 12 weeks 1 day so it's still a while away 😢 Scan is a few days later on the 30th xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Amanda86

Hopefully it will settle down soon for us both. I’ve got an appt at end of Nov too I assume that will be my scan appt. I’m not sure what’ the first appts for. I’ll let you know. Keep me posted too Xx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Yes let me know 🙂 And I'll keep you posted xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Amanda86

Hi Amanda, had my booking in appt yesterday which is literally just that - lots of questions, weight and height, blood tests, urine tests, bounty packs (advertising) and details of next appt. Bit frustrating coz my 12 week scans been put back from 29/11 to 8/12 cos I have to have two scans - one for each twin- and was hoping to be able to tell people before 8/12 Never

Mind. How you doing? I’m still ill but a bit less so now. Xx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Fredaflintstone


Ahh that doesn't sound too bad. My letter said please allow 1-2 hour for appointment I was like 😮 What will this entail lol.

That is such a shame about your scan! I didn't even realise they did a scan for each twin.

I'm ok thanks, still vomiting a lot and becoming dehydtaed (I think) with my saliva production and having to split all the time. My tongue seems dry and I'm peeing less. I'm going to make an appointment to see my doctor on Monday and ask to be signed off work.

I've lost weight, around 5 pounds and I think it's purely down to the vomiting. It's so much worse at work, I think because I'm in an active job and on my feet most of the day and it's at 12.5 hour shift I work so quite hard when I'm being sick all the time. I'm thinking I'm burning more calories than I'm taking in too when at work?

Sorry, feel like I'm really moaning here! Just hope doctor will sign me off so I can get some rest and hopefully get the sickness under control.

Hope your keeping well xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to Amanda86

Aw that sounds hard. Hopefully the doc will sign you off. Mine did and I’d only complained of exhaustion and nausea. I went back to work on Thurs though - from home. Back in the office next week. Hope you feel better soon. It’s rotten isn’t it? 🙁 xxxx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Thank you, I really hope so too. I don't feel ill or anything, but vomiting up almost everything I eat is starting to get me down. It's horrible plus I'm worried for the baby thinking will it be getting what it needs? I really hope so!

Doctor seems to think reflux is the cause of my sickness, it possibly is. Going to ask for better tablets to help it as the omeprazole they gave me just gave me a sore stomach so I stopped taking it xxx

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