Well I think I've reached that point in tww where I'm analysing everything I have been calm for the last days but today couldn't calm down so decided to do a test and here it comes two line of course I started smiling but then started thinking, could it be the trigger shot?? I had a trigger shot on the 29th Sep and my FET was on the 3rd Oct so today I'm 6dp5dt and my test day it's on the 12th . So my fear is that it's a false positive because of the trigger shot any thoughts ladies??
Am I getting crazy: Well I think I've... - Fertility Network UK
Am I getting crazy

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Hi pinto8. The trigger shot should be out of your body by now, so maybe it is positive. Try and hold out and test on the correct day if you can. I know it's so tempting with the early testing sticks now, but try and hold off. Good luck and I shall be thinking of you. Diane
I also tested 6dp5dt and got a very faint line I then tested every two days up until OTD and it defo got darker! 😊 it will not be trigger shot now congratulations huni!!👶💗💙 xx
Ohhh thank you it's so nice to read these messages to at least put me a bit at ease... haven't told the hubby I tested early as he doesn't want me to but very very happy at the moment just two more days to go🤞
Congratulations on your pregnancy 👣
Hi, when you tested at 6dp5dt, did you test first thing in the morning?
Yes... wanted to be pretty accurate
I did my first test on 6 day too and it's was very very thin line like yours. Now I'm 7 weeks pregnant. It's will getting darker 🙏
I think I can say congratulations ☺️🤰