Hi ladies, has anyone had any success at the egg collection stage (in terms of good numbers) with one ovary. Even better, has anyone gone on to successfully conceive with IVF and one ovary with endo?
One Ovary: Egg Collection - Good Numb... - Fertility Network UK
One Ovary: Egg Collection - Good Numbers?

I have bilateral endometrioma, stage 4 deep infiltrating endo. My left ovary is badly damaged by endo and it did not respond at all to any of the strongest IVF drugs. It produced a cyst, that was it.
So I have as well have just one ovary. The right ovary responded really well, despite it having a 4cm endometrioma within it, got 8 or 9 eggs and 5 blastocysts. It was successful for me. So it can be for you.

Wow! That's absolutely fantastic! Coming to the end of my stims, scan tomorrow to determine if I am going in for EC next week. Not really feeling any symptoms at the moment, no bloating etc, so wonder if anything is going on in there! I'm on x5 menopur per shot at the mo which I understand is high. Did you experience any signs/symptoms to indicate your follices were growing at all?
I did. Lost an ovary due to a massive ruptured dermoid cyst 6 years ago. The adhesions and damage along with a low sperm count for my partner meant ICSI was our only option. Got 7 eggs at collection, 5 fertilised and we had one put back. Currently 36 weeks pregnant with 4 embryos in the freezer. It can work 🙂.
Due to the endometriosis surgery I practically lost my left ovary. I had a high dose of meds but unfortunately I am not a good responder, on my EC I had two eggs, after the ICSI only one was fertilized. I am 9 weeks pregnant. Quality is morte important than quantity. Good luck 😉
Another solo ovary endo warrior here. Amh was 8.8, I'm 38, one battling ovary left with severe endo still around ureter, remaining ovary and potentially sticking bowel to uterus.
Found out we had male factors aswell. 5 eggs at EC but only three mature and was devastated.
However all three fertilised, all three went to blast and 28 weeks pregnant with one and one in the freezer. Quality over quantity.
I felt pains around my kidney at the time of stims. Possibly the endo flaring up with the drugs.
Try a hot water bottle on the side your ovary is. Although can't remember if that was to help them grow or for comfort or nonsense but can't do any harm.
Good luck x
Btw great to see all these endo solo ovary success stories. Didn't realise there was a group of us.
I was thinking the same after reading all these positive stories. It can be such a disease of hopelessness but this proves there is hope and possibilities. xx
Hi there, I had no gynae issues, thought our infertility all down to low sperm count. Just had failed icsi and one ovary barely responded, everything was on the right ovary. At EC they managed to get 10 eggs, just 1 from the left ovary. It took a lot of stims drugs. 5 fertilised, initially good quality but then dropped off. Did have too blasts transferred but Bfn. But what I wanted to say is yes one ovary can still get you a good number of eggs 🙂 Good luck xxxx