Hi I'm on short protocol & high dose drugs. I have a low Amh at 3.1 & aged 33. On day 2 scan I had 8 follies but on day 8 scan I only had 2 big ones plus 4 small. Where have they gone??The nurse unhelpfully told me she got a fright at how few I had until she checked my amh but then clawed it back by saying I only need one egg. I had a hy cosy in march on day 8 of my cycle & had at least 9 follicles then so don't know why so few now wheh this time i am on stimms! Any advice to grow more?? I have been using a hit water bottle & doing acupuncture already. Also can you get more eggs than there are follicles. Positive advice or stories welcome please! Thanks ladies x
Ivf day 8 of high dose stims and poor... - Fertility Network UK
Ivf day 8 of high dose stims and poor response - advice/good stories?

My follies were slowing growing this cycle but I was on the long protocol. At my day 7 scan they said this cycle may have to stop and start again. So I put a hot water bottle on my belly, acupuncture, ate lots of protein! They got there in the end! And I had 9 mature collected 😁 (also I stimmed for one extra day)
I was very similar....14 at consultation scan, but 5 wks later at baseline they could only find 2!! 😳 I was on highest meds anyway due to age, but a week ago today they collected 10 mature eggs from 13 follies!!
Try not to stress too much...It really is amazing how much they can grow (& appear) just in a few days!! 🍀 I ended up stimming for 4 days more than planned - some ladies just take a little longer I guess!! Wishing you the very best of luck!! 🙏 Lots of water & hot water bottles!!

Hi ClarabGlasgow. Try not to worry about this result, as you would not get lots of follicles with a low AMH. However, the secret is to get a few follicles that continue to mature large enough for eggs to get into when you have your trigger shot. I have many ladies who only ever get 2 or 3 eggs and end up with a viable pregnancy. Fingers crossed for you. Diane
Thanks so much all it is so good to have people in the know to talk to, this whole process feels pretty lonely and overwhelming otherwise. I phoned the nurse there who said not to worry I am early in the process and could stimulate for up to 17 days. She also said there could be follies that she can't even see yet but are there & could grow. Apparently the 8 follicles from day 2 are smaller Antral follicles so not the same thing? She also suggested pineapple juice so I'm on that too! And that my blood shows my estrogen levels are up quite a bit from day 5 which she thought was also positive? I am sat here working/crying, such an emotional time. Thanks for all your support X
Round 6, I only had 1 egg! Ironically, that's the round that worked!!!