Another month, another period. It was a day late (haven't had nearly as reliable timings since doing ivf). Pregnancy test was negative so I knew in my head it was coming, but in my heart I allowed myself to hope for the first time in ages. Even though any natural pregnancy I did have would be highly likely to end in miscarriage. So actually falling pregnant naturally would be a nightmare too.
We have our next steps... waiting to get all the paperwork and hoops jumped through so we can have pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and hopefully get a viable embryo for ivf. I had been feeling more positive since finding out about DH's chromosome problem... at least we know what we were facing. But a meeting with the geneticist this week led to us being told that statistically it's likely that only 17% of our embryos will be chromosomally viable. They need a selection in order to do the pgd, and I haven't been great at producing eggs. It's all really starting to look like it's not going to happen for us. So today, when my period came, I felt sad. When does the hoping for a miracle ever end?