Soooo after 5 long years ttc I finally, finally get to post about my 12wk scan 😍...
I am so pleased to report all is well with our bubba. In fact, we have ourselves a right wriggler!...arms and legs were flying all over the place so they struggled to get a clear pic. He/she is actually measuring a couple of days ahead so my due date has been brought forward by 2 days to the 8th March!...making me 13wks exactly which means goodbye 1st trimester (high five!)
As many have mentioned before, I just want to say a huge thank you to all you lovely ladies (and men) who have laughed and cried with me, and ultimately kept me sane over the last few months. You are the guys i could turn to when i had nowhere else to go. This truly is a special site, full of the most amazing compassionate folk I've ever "met".
I hope all of you complete your families, whether that be through ivf, doners or adoption very very soon!
I'm off to chill out for a couple of days before I think of something else to worry about.
Lots of love,
Oakey xxx