We had a scan on Friday it was our 7week 3day scan and again we were nervous and just hoping both our miracles were ok. Went and had the scan and it's always a worry at first when it's quiet but then our scan lady said there they are, both heartbeats going strong and both the sizes they should be if not 1 day or 2 bigger. It was so so amazing to see again and I could have stayed there all day and watched them.
My nurse said to book a midwife appointment which I did but you always worry (we all do) because you just don't want anything to change, was amazing to call and book it in. We have another scan at 9+1 because I have a little bit of blood on the scan but was told by my consultant it's inactive, they just want to check and we will do anything for another scan to make sure there both ok xx
Keep HOPE ladies it's what has kept me going and will keep me going xx
Wishing your all ok wherever you are on your journeys, its lovely to have one another xx