Hi guys, hope everyone is good!! Has anybody had accupunture before during after ivf? Did you find it helpful? I am starting mine on Wednesday and due to start treatment beginning of September. Xxxx
Accupunture: Hi guys, hope everyone is... - Fertility Network UK

Good question. I wanted to ask the same thing as I am considering acupuncture. I am have reflexology so far leading up to FET.
I have my first app on Wednesday so will let you know how it goes! My accupunture is actually in the fertility clinic so it is all legitimate . My consultant didn't seem to have a problem with it. It is my first round of ivf (hopefully only one) so I thought if I am going to do the lot! Xxx
I'm waiting in the car park for my first session! I asked this question a while back and after knowing nothing about it for my first failed round (2 5-day blastocyst transfers), I decided it was worth a shot, even if it's just for the relaxation benefit!
Good luck let me know what it's like x
I went in with an open mind and was really pleased that the guy doing it had been through ivf with his wife, so could totally understand the whole process.
I've read a lot about it and the stats are pretty good, they just don't know why. They're not sure whether it's due to the relaxation element or because of the increased blood flow to the womb.
It's not the cheapest but it's only for a few sessions and on the grand scale of money being thrown at this fertility malarkey, it's nothing.
How are you getting on? I am loving my accupunture, mainly for the relaxation! She says she can tell I am very stressed /anxious by my pulse ha ha! I am great for a couple of days then stress just builds again , where are you in your ivf cycle? I start mine on Monday. Xxx
Hi Grace, I'm doing ok. I had a slight delay as my lining wasn't thin enough on Friday to start stims so was re-scanned yesterday and thankfully able to start menopur.
I had acupuncture yesterday too which was definitely needed. I'm desperately trying not to get stressed but everything seems to be against me. My husbands dad is in a bad way in hospital, my parents are down visiting (and they're the sort that expect dinner to be made for them every night) and we now find ourselves moving house! If this cycle works, it may be a miracle!
When is your egg collection going to be? X
Hi. I am the same, we are buying a house too, bad timing but couldn't miss opportunity. Ha! I start my injections on Monday so some time the beginning of October. I'm nervous, scared excited, mixture of feelings it's crazy. It's funny how they expect us not to get stressed ..... if someone else tells me to calm down and relax I'm going to scream ha ha! So where abouts are you up to then? X
Have you had ivf before? X
I've had one round in April which was unfortunately a bfn (very tough emotionally but you do bounce back). That was my only NHS funded round so we had to hit the 0% credit card to fund this cycle. Seems so unfair but I have to put that to the back of my mind and just accept it.
Egg collection for me should be either Thurs or Fri of next week so I'm only just ahead of you. It will be a rollercoaster but just know that everyone here has been through exactly the same thing x
I hope all goes good for you, hopefully we will have our lil prince/princesses soon, will be around the same time ha! I have to fund mine as I have a 8 year old lil boy to my ex partner. I did say to the hospital but gavin (my partner) hasn't got children and they basically said "he could go and have a baby with someone else". Thanks!!!!😡😡 we have had 2 ectopic pregnancies so I have had my Fallopian tubes removed. So excited for you,you will have to let me know. I am so close to start but seems so far away! Take care x
I've had Acupunture 3/4 cycles, I've always started a bit before treatment and continued right through. Around ET I had a couple of treatments before and after transfer. I definitely recommend it not only to support fertility but it also helps with my anxiety. Good luck on what you decide xx
I've had accupuncture during this second cycle. It's very relaxing and it seems that there are more follicles this time - don't know whether or not that has anything to do with the accupuncture!! You are better starting it before your treatment though So they can regulate everything. I have EC on Thursday, accupuncture appointment on Saturday, ET on Tuesday hopefully and another accupuncture session on Tuesday evening!! Good luck xx
Reading these comments it is something I will definitely do come the time and will try to start before x
A friend of my sis did before and during her first cycling in Poland. She got her BFP a few days ago x
Yes have had acupuncture throughout all my cycles, got pregnant on all three, had my son first try, miscarried on the second and I am 13 weeks pregnant now and still having acupuncture. I do believe it helps, and definitely helps with stress levels and blood flow around the uterus and lining xx