Hey all: Hey all... sorry I've been... - Fertility Network UK

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emu2016 profile image
142 Replies

Hey all... sorry I've been away a while.

I really didn't prepare myself for how hard bad news at 7 week scan would be. Neither of us did.

I've drunk Gin. I've stayed up until 7.45am... 2am... danced, laughed and let all my hair down. Including putting about 8lbs on!

We're not starting again just yet. I've been met with feelings of 'just give up' it's not bad without a child... at the same time as 'weeping nearly every time I see that blinkin' pampers advert for premature babies!

This is a rough journey. Mr Emu doesn't want to plan anything for this side of Christmas. Which is hard to understand but completely understandable.

Where is everyone in their journey? Feel like I've loads to catch up on xx

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emu2016 profile image
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142 Replies
Rainbow_86 profile image

You have been a noticeable miss on the site emu xxx

I'm so sorry for what you went through. Take the time to repair and heal and hopefully the plans of 'what next' will be a natural progression..... that pampers advert gets me too :(

I have started my treatment now and am terrified how I'll cope with the negatives.... But you and the other ladies have shown so much strength that I hope I will be able to cope too whatever the outcome...

Big hugs and lovely to see you back xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Rainbow_86

Awwww Rainbow. That's so nice to read. I wasn't sure what use I'd be to anyone. Like I'd failed so my advice would be useless.

Don't be frightened. You've so much to handle... take each step at a time... don't try and predict anything. And remember to use all us ladies for help and support. xxx

Rainbow_86 profile image
Rainbow_86 in reply to emu2016

Aww of course not you have never failed.... your one of the strongest people I know.... this surely has to be the worst thing a person can go through....

Take care..... and I really hope your next chapter comes with your deserved happy ending. Look after each other xx

romaluna2015 profile image

I'm so sorry Emu2016 . Take some time for yourself and your husband . Take care of yourself lots of love xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to romaluna2015

Thanks you xx

romaluna2015 profile image
romaluna2015 in reply to emu2016

Your welcome xx

TTCs profile image

Lovely to see a post from you, been thinking of you. Gin doesn't solve everything but it certainly helps alot 🙂 this is such a difficult journey, you know that more than most, the one positive is, as a couple you're stronger for it! Thinking of you guys xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to TTCs

We are definitely stronger! Definitely definitely. Who knows where we'll go. But for now; for the first time in a while - I realised I missed you all xx

Sunshine09 profile image

Welcome bk hunny, you will find the strength when ur ready ❤️💋

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sunshine09

I know. Hope you're well honey xx

Sunshine09 profile image
Sunshine09 in reply to emu2016

We are raring to go, just about to start a mock cycle, it was heartbreaking for you guys, wishing you all the best, it's a rough ride xx❤️💋🤞

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sunshine09

Oooo a mock cycle! Will that be to see how your lining is? x

Sunshine09 profile image
Sunshine09 in reply to emu2016

Sure is xx

Asweetpea profile image
Asweetpea in reply to Sunshine09

Oh I'm just about to start mine too. Good luck.x

Sunshine09 profile image
Sunshine09 in reply to Asweetpea

Gods luck to you to xx🤞🌈💋💋

Hannah143 profile image

Welcome back sweetie, it's good to hear you've left your hair down and had some good times. Very much needed after such an ordeal for you guys.


emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Hannah143

Hair is so down I've preferred going out to getting it cut! Haha! x

Hannah143 profile image
Hannah143 in reply to emu2016

*let* ! It's good to go out! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Hannah143

I got ya! x

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey lovely!! It's so nice to hear from you. That bloody pampers advert has a lot to answer for, its not just you!! I'm really glad to hear that you've managed to let your hair down and drown your sorrows amongst hopefully enjoying yourselves too!!

I'm in the midst if planning our first DE journey! Just booked flights today....havent got round to posting yet as we're away at a family funeral but I couldn't read and run!!xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

Awwwww lovely! A new journey! Keep me updated! Can't wait to read about it. Awww, all these replies are making me weepy! x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emu2016

You're allowed to be weepy!! I've really missed you on here....you're such a strong character and your presence has been sorely missed!!😘 Grand to have you back!!xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

Best get Mr Emu to say something ridiculous so I can share! 😂 xx

lorraineb61 profile image

Welcome back - I hope you tried lots of nice gins!!! X you need to take the time to look after yourselves first. It's such an emotional journey that no-one can really prepare you for unfortunately. I have just had my 1st injection of Gonal-f tonight for our second cycle.

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to lorraineb61

Ooooo exciting! How are you feeling? It's nice to be back. Not finished drinking gin though. ;-) xx

So good to see you back missed you loads. Glad you have been able to drink gin, dance and laugh best therapy going. Defo no rush for whatever you decide is next xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

I'm so sorry I've been so crap at replying to your messages. Bad pal. Laughing is a good remedy! x

in reply to emu2016

Don't ever feel bad you have been through so much xx

Kelly-03 profile image

Nice to have you back x we all have to take the time we need and when the time is right to do what you both want I'm sure you will be ready then x Good for you to have some time for yourselves x Try to keep Hope xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Kelly-03

Hope and faith. Definitely. It's good to be here x

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to emu2016

Very true Hope and Faith is very important xx

Oakey80 profile image

Hey Mrs Emu! Glad to see you're back...I've missed your posts!! 😁 Hope you're ok and have enjoyed all the gin and the dancing...thats exactly what I needed after my bfn which wasn't half as bad. Its nice to have a break from all things ivf...a lot of us have done the same but we're always drawn back to this site eventually...x x x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Oakey80

It's so true. Where else would find a group of people who entertain my crazy rambling and know exactly what I'm going through in one place?! x

Oakey80 profile image
Oakey80 in reply to emu2016

Totally! I used to be a bit of a Facebook addict but I don't have time for that anymore...I much prefer checking in with the gang here and seeing how everyone's doing. They're such a great bunch xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Oakey80

I'm rarely on FB these days. Crazy considering I have a team who look after social media at work!! Everyone here is lovely!

It's lovely to see you posting again little chick!! 🐣 😘

Ahhh the joys of gin, mothers ruin! 🍸

Stimming at the mo; EC on Tuesday, so will retox when feeling slightly more chipper!

We took over 12 months off from cycling and in some ways it was the best thing for us, tough all the waiting but in hindsight it was right. When the time is right to try again, if you are ready too, you will both know. Hope MrEmu is doing ok?


emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

I admire women who can get going so quick! I just couldn't do it. Mr Emu less so. He says he never wants to see me so heartbroken again. It's always a gamble in this life though , eh?

It's nice to be back. Lovely to hear it's nearly EC time! One day at a time lovely xx

in reply to emu2016

After recurrent miscarriages, the quick start up got knocked out of us to be honest!

Miscarriage is absolutely heartbreaking, for both of you 🤗

Hubs recently told me that he felt guilty watching me, but the grief was very much shared. It's tough for men they aren't generally engineered to be as open emotionally as women...

And you're right, it is a gamble but sometimes that gamble does pay off 🤞🤞🤞 Best of luck chickey! I shall look forward to seeing your entertaining posts!! 😘😘😘

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

So true about men. So true! x

Tugsgirl profile image

I like what you're doing; relaxing, not being so hard on yourself, trying to enjoy life again.. I know how hard it is. Take as much time as you need. We're all here for you xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Tugsgirl

You are someone who will definitely understand. Where your strength to keep going comes from is amazing x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to emu2016

To be honest at times I wonder myself but I don't feel like I have much of a choice. If I want a baby then I have to do everything within my power to do so before it's too late for me xx

7AVA profile image

Welcome back, really nice to read one of your posts again xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to 7AVA

Awww thanks xx lovely to be here xx

Magc27 profile image

Give yourself some time and prepare yourself for the next step. Just give up doesn't exist on this journey. Be strong and chin up xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Magc27

Not quite ready to give up xx

London7 profile image


I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were holding up after all you've been through. You were one of the first people who responded to my very first post and you were so kind and supportive. Like everyone here I was so upset for you. You've also been really sorely missed.

Dancing and gin sound like an excellent way of keeping your head above water.

You might find the site has changed a bit since you were last on here - very soon now you are bound to have someone respond to your message telling you not to lose faith as their aunt had a miracle baby at a wonderful clinic in the Ukraine - it is very cheap and they speak very good English and the queues are very short too... Hampshiregal has a few good posts on it all! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to London7

Ooooooo lovely to hear and thanks for remembering me! How's your journey? x

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to emu2016

All good so far thanks - 9+3 pregnant. Had a pretty awful cycle, with OHSS, but if it sticks it will obviously all be worth it. I am still only whispering the word "pregnant" in my own head and haven't quite admitted it to myself. I know just how precious and fragile it is, so am just hoping to get through these 12 weeks. X

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to London7

Ooooooooo lovely! Yes. Keep whispering but whisper loudly to it to stick! Lovely reading good news xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to London7

Honestly that spoof post had me in stitches, try to find it emu2016 ..........tonic!🤣

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

Which spoof post?! x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emu2016

Hampshiregal wrote a great post today!! There has been loads of advertising spam recently....it will all make sense when you see It!xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5


Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emu2016

Hilarious! And the replies were brilliant...made my day!!xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

Still laughing at them!

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to London7

Have totally only got this Ukraine clinic thing!

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to emu2016

It is at its worst first thing in the morning when there is always a large number of blatant new posts, before most get deleted by admin!

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to London7

Something to look forward to when I wake at 6am!

Welcome back Emu. I followed your journey but had not long rejoined the site.

This really is the hardest thing in the world. The fact that you could dance and have gin, shows an inner strength i'm not sure I could have had. Seems to me you are a lot stronger than you think. I had years of these feelings before being lucky with IVF, but those feelings I still remember, very cleary - I became so accustomed to the sheer terror of it, then putting a brave face on, then feeling ok about my life, then back in the circle again.

You'll know when the time is right for you and I can strongly sense that you will be strong enough to try again. I know it's not easy.

Lovely to see you back xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

So lovely to read such honesty. My job allows me to escape. Which I both love and hate. Heartache through ivf is so cruel. One day at a time x

in reply to emu2016

It's good your job allows you to escape. It chimes with what Max Erhmann said in Desiderata; 'Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time'.

I left my career but mainly because I was so ill with endo and just didn't recover from surgeries well. But I missed my friends there so much. I felt I gambled every thing due to endo, my career, my ability to have children. Cruel disease but i did get there in the end, after nearly 10 years of trying.

You will to. xxxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

What a lovely phrase from Max! I've never read that before. I bloody hope I get there x

7AVA profile image
7AVA in reply to

'Desiderata' my favourite guide to life! X

in reply to 7AVA

I had the poem on my wall growing up. Yes it is a little cheesy but actually many pearls on wisdom.. xxx

baby2016 profile image

Aw emu! Nice to see you back 😊 We all need time away at times to do exactly what you have and it's good for the soul to do just that and so nice to live life normally again!

My last cycle with my own eggs was a bfn, so now awaiting appointment for DE in a couple of weeks and also going to adoption open evening next week to see if they can say more about my hubbys health and if we could adopt if we wanted.

Completely get where your coming from re the pampers advert and the complete flip side of life without kids feeling. This week I've felt the most normal I have in months and must admit it did cross my mind about life not being that bad without kids, but know next week I'll be thinking the opposite!

Enjoy your time till xmas and dance and party as much as you want! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to baby2016

Hey you! I'm still enjoying my hair letting down moments! Sorry your cycle was a bfn with your own eggs... :( it's a horrid feeling. But...Good luck for your DE appointment! xx

Asweetpea profile image

Lovely to hear ur doing ok emu. Sounds like u've had a rough ride lately. Important to take time to ur self to recover. Glad u and mr emu have had some fun, a chance to let ur hair down.

I'm with u about the pamper ad. Breaks my heart every time.xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Asweetpea

I think some ladies here have had much rougher. But I guess when it's the first time it happens it's the hardest x

Sprinkles86 profile image

Hey Emu, so good to hear from you. Oh that pampers advert.... such a tear jerker for me too! It's hard to say exactly when is the right time to go again isn't it, I just hope you're doing ok (and Mr Emu). I've just had first results from NK Cells biopsy at Coventry... within normal range... second biopsy later this month hopefully, then using last embie October-ish.... all my results are 'normal', no reason why I keep miscarrying.... very frustrating but got to keep going. I've booked a session with a counsellor for next week to talk things through as I do struggle sometimes xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sprinkles86

It's on every ad break between friends on Comedy Central - I swear!

Gosh hope it goes ok with this for you. I just can't imagine repeatedly going through news like that. Brave lady - so hope this time it works x

Sprinkles86 profile image
Sprinkles86 in reply to emu2016

I love it but it does make me cry! Thanks lovely means a lot, we have missed you on here xxx

E_05 profile image

Lovely to see your back but so sorry for all you've been through, definitely take the time you both need x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to E_05

Thank you E_05. Feeling much better now x

Mantaray75 profile image

It does take so long. I'm a year on from a miscarriage and know there is no more chance with my eggs. Last night I cried after our friends left cos I hated seeing my husband cuddled up with their toddler when I can't give him that. Even this forum has been too much for me lately - people still having the chance with their own eggs or getting pregnant.

Just give yourself all the time you need and do what you need to do to make you feel better. x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Mantaray75

Awww Mantaray, sounds like you're struggling. It's so hard. And it's a real hard blow when you have to come to terms that you can't use your own eggs. Do you think you'll consider DE? Thinking of you x

Mantaray75 profile image
Mantaray75 in reply to emu2016

Its a big step to take. You naively think at the beginning that IVF will work because you don't want to contemplate the alternative.

I will use DE, probably Spain but gonna take some time out for emotional, physical and financial reasons. I currently live in New Zealand and to do it here is a crazy cost with limited donors. We plan on coming back to the UK in the next year.


emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Mantaray75

Huge steps for you. Well done on working through it. And such a big move to make to move to UK to make it possible. Big hugs x

vic77 profile image

Hey Mrs so nice to see u back and obviously feeling stronger after your devastating news. Huge hugs xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to vic77

Much stronger. Whatever happens next and whenever it happens I'm just feeling glad to be here x

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to emu2016

That is such a great attitude..you are so so strong. .glad to have u back with us 💜💜💜xxx

Sunbeam123 profile image

Welcome back...you have been missed! I'm glad you've had 'you' time again and been able to relax a little! We're all here for wherever your journey will take you next!! xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sunbeam123

Aww thanks. Definitely not ready yet. But nice to be here x

Welcome back. I'm sorry for everything you've been through, I can't imagine how hard it's been for you both. Glad you've managed to let your hair down for a bit.

Our 2nd IUI failed on Wednesday which is disappointing. We're doing our last cycle this month before our 1 shot of funded IVF! Eeeek! Hoping it's 3rd time lucky though!

Take care xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Fingers crossed for it working this time JoJo! x

Welcome back 😊 I have missed you Emu2016. So sorry about your loss. Glad t hear you are feeling better. I wouldn't want to have treatment round Christmas either the pressure if it worked or not too much!

I had a laparoscopy in June which endometriosis was found and treated after 5 years and 10 months we were diagnosed for the infertility! Happily we conceived the first month of trying we were gobsmacked!!! Sadly I had bleeding last weekend so I have a scan booked at the Early Pregnancy Unit when ill be 6 weeks. Still have symptoms I hope that is a good sign 😐 Scan is this Friday 😮 xoxo

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Oh goodness! Hang on in there! 6 days to go! Hope you're getting lots of relaxing in. So pleased you had you laparoscopy after all this time! Fingers and toes crossed for Friday x

Hi emu welcome back it's so good to hear from you again. We all need time and space away from it all from time to time too process things in your own way as no one can prepare you or forsee how events will unfold. I think it's only naturally to have mixed emotions on what to do next but I'm sure you and Mr emu will find your way together xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Hey you. Hope you're well! xx

CountryCat profile image

Hello Guru...lovely to see you again!! I can't imagine how crap the past few weeks have been 😢 Have often thought of you and knew, despite your great loss, that you would come back fighting!

Hope you and hubby are healing xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to CountryCat

Not sure what I'm fighting back for but I'm still a bit closer to whatever that is. And I know you ladies will help.

Lovely to see you are having good journey. Sorry I missed it. Fingers crossed! x

hannahi profile image

I'm so sorry for what you've been through, glad that ur back! Xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to hannahi

Thank Hannah xx

Sez73 profile image

I feel a poem coming on....!!😫😘

She's back, she's back, hip hip hooray!

We've missed your comments every day

It's not the same without Emu

So welcome back from me to you!

Back refreshed and ready to fight

A happy ending must be in sight

We're with you every step of the way

So bring it on and come what may

I'm glad that gin helped you through

And the dancing shoes and glad rags too!

It goes to show you're an amazing girl

So twirl around and give things a whirl!

Take your time, you'll know just when

To climb aboard this mad train again!

For now, relax and just take stock

& switch those bloody sad ads off!

WELCOME BACK!! Great to see you love xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

OH MY WORD. I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR ONE OF YOUR POEMS! EVERY TIME! TEARS EVERY TIME! Honored to get a poem. Massive love to you. Didn't watch any Friends today - no adverts! Thanks for missing me. Missed you too x

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to emu2016

You've just come back and I made you cry...I'm surprised I've not be struck off this forum!!!! Big hugs back at ya love and welcome back, normal order has now been restored and I feel a sense of calmness unfold with your presence!

All the luck and good vibes in the world coming right at ya, catch them, go forth and show everyone what you're made of...Ms Dy-na-mi-tee!!! Xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

Aww Well I don't think I have any amusing posts up my belt. But I'm hoping I can be here for those who need me and find comfort from you lovely lot when I need it as ever.

You won't be struck off. I LOVE your poems to me! How's everything with you? xx

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to emu2016

Glad my dud amateur poetry gives some light relief in the darker days!!

I'm ok thanks for asking love. DE collection last week, resulting in 6 little-uns having lotsa fun in the freezer right now while I desperately battle trying to calm my endo down to create a homely little environment for one to pop in to. No transfers yet, it's a very hostile environment, one I wouldn't even want to send my best soldiers into!!! Huge boost having some Day 5 embies frozen, we never got that far ourselves so it's a step forward, just too scared to take that next step as my body's wrecked!!! Xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

Eeeeeeeep! Well I'm glad to hear there's a party going on in a freezer! :) LOVELY!!! Now, how will they make you less hostile? Have you tried writing a poem for it?! ;) x

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to emu2016

I think my other half is secretly v smug knowing we've finally got some day 5's! frozen! I wanted to blame him as well as myself but knew all along my endo blasted eggs were the real problem!! I'm finally coming to terms with that fact after 6 or so long years stubbornly trying!

As for reducing the war zone inside me...I've seen the best surgeon in the world & done everything I can battling over 15 years, nothing left to try so it's in the hands of the gods and goddesses now! Hopefully someone up there listens & shines down on us both.

Need more chocolate for inspiration for my next poem, can only do one a week, it takes a lot out of me!!

Sleep well & glad to have u back x 😘

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

I'll be having a word with the gods (not a usual job for me) on your behalf tonight x

Lou290901 profile image

Hi Hunni, I've missed you. I'm glad you're back, but also glad you took some time away for yourself. I'm currently in the 2ww!! I did test this morn 8dp5dt but it was negative 👎 I will wait and do another in a few days but gut feeling is telling me we will be heading for round 3!!

Unfortunately we are in the hands of the gods and what will be will be, I am as desperate to get my sister her little baby as I was to have any of mine so just have to keep going and try! Sending lots of you to you and your hubby. Xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Lou290901

Awwww nice to be missed! Bloody hell. Sorry to hear it's still not happening for you and your sister. Massive hugs to you x

Se99 profile image

Aw it's good to have you back!!!

I'm just going through the same gin drinking and dancing until the early hours stage!

I do think you need to take time, the emotions are unreal and so unexpected!

Good to see you back x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Se99

Hello fellow small hour drinker/dancer. Good to be back. Big hugs x

Hi emu2016

Sorry to read your sad post but never give up . I lost my baby embryo at 8 weeks ( 3 months ago ) and totally wasn't prepared for it to go wrong . My world came crashing down as like you I wasn't prepared for it to go wrong . I've cried and drank just like yourself also put weight on and thought how could I do it again but I am . Started meds again 2 days ago and I'm in a good place right now . I have told myself to be positive but also be prepare incase it doesn't work then it won't it me as hard . Hun just take as much time as you need and when you feel ready you will start treatment again . Sending you big hugs and don't give p 👍

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Sorry to hear that. It's so hard isn't it. Brave you for getting going again. I hope it's going ok and that it's your time this time x

Georgina78 profile image

Hey lovely 😘how funny that I haven't been on here either but the first time I do yours is the first post I see! I can imagine it's been so hard for you but I'm glad you've been able to be 'normal' (whatever that is where infertility is concerned) I do the same after failure or loss in this process..go out, usually to see a band I love, dance, sing my heart out & enjoy a few tipples. It's so important to have fun together like you used to before infertility s*** 😏

I can totally understand your hubbys thoughts but it's hard to not have some sort of plan isn't it. Would you be starting a full cycle abroad again if you do it all again?

We've decided not to do anymore treatment, it's just too hard and I'm pretty sure my endometriosis is causing the implantation issues/chemical pregnancies..and it isn't going anywhere so we have to be realistic. We've decided to adopt and have booked a few information evenings with different agencies next month. We can't actually start the process till November so we'll be doing more reading and making some improvements to our home first. Like ivf it's scary and I have my wobbles on it, but also exciting and we feel positive about it being right for us now. We didn't know we would feel this way but infertility is so life altering, you have to roll with the changes!

I really hope you get where you want to be emu, however and whenever that comes about. Keep smiling, you've made so many people on here do just that! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Georgina78

Yes! You're right! I think it's the lack of plan! I find that hard. No matter what the plan is I just want it! How have you found the adoption process so far? It's weird as I now get closer to working out what to do next adoption (which I've always said I will happily move to) now scares me. Lovely to hear from you xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image

Welcome back Emu! I'm glad you've been having some fun and are taking your life back for a while from this painful journey. It's important to get some balance in. After our bfn I had one night on the town and really needed it. I would have needed longer after what you have been through for sure though. I can't imagine how tough that would be. You're a very strong lady!

It's important to only try again once you're ready and to have some fun together in the meantime. We are getting ready for a FET after a dilation procedure next week. I've planned alternative holidays depending on whether or not the FET works - if it doesn't work (China) and if it does (Wales). I need something big and special to look forward to if it doesn't and I would definitely be letting my hair down and having a boogie and doing all the stuff I can't do at the mo and haven't been able to do for some time - eating lots of cake and drinking lots of coffee and wine and having a break until next year. It's good to hear from you. Look forward to hearing your funny stories xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Gosh, it's coming soon your FET! :) I've had more than one night on the town I can tell you! :) It's nice just to be me again if I'm honest. But I know that there's still something missing. I think a BFN is just a painful my dear. It's a journey hard for us all. Loving your holiday choices! x

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to emu2016

Yes it's pretty speedy. I think I'm ready though - or as ready as I can be. It won't be til next month. Got to have dilation next week first and have an HRT round - already started. The fear hasn't set in yet but I know it's coming. Going to try to be a bit more level headed this time around while hoping for the best.

I don't think I could do another round after this one without a break and a serious bit of me time and nights out!

Enjoy your time out and holiday planning with Mr Emu xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Fredaflintstone

Currently looking at flights! Good luck you x

ch319 profile image

Well I've really missed you and wondered how you were doing. It didn't want to pester when I knew you would be grieving. Always think of you though xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to ch319

Hello you. How are you? All going ok? xx

ch319 profile image
ch319 in reply to emu2016

I'm good thanks still puking but good. Sounds like you've been busy

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to ch319

Very. My job is at its busiest in July/August. So keeps me occupied x

ch319 profile image
ch319 in reply to emu2016

Hope you are still taking some time out for yourself too though xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to ch319

Goodness yes. Work is crazy but I think my 3 hour snooze I just had was nice! ;) x

Persian40 profile image

So sorry. The same happened to me and I think it's only just hitting me nearly two months on. We are ploughing ahead with the next FET as I think if I don't I wouldn't ever have the strength to do it again. If this doesn't work, we won't do another cycle. It's all so unfair. I think letting your hair down is probably a good thing. Take care xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Persian40

It's hard. It's also comforting to read about others who find it hard too. Good luck with FET. x

Nice to see you back lovely. Totally understandable that you needed time xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Hey you! :) x

Heeeeey xxx I've been absent for a while too and just returned following a lovely message from another member on here. Reading back through my previous posts I was so negative! So I'm glad I stayed off I was a right grumpy hag! Haha. Anyway, back on track for now. Hopefully having our frozen embryo transfer in the next couple of weeks depending on what scans say on Monday anyway. Not getting my hopes up too much just yet in case it all goes sideways again come Monday and we have to hold off for months again. Time is one of the hardest things about this process.

Anyway, enough about me!

I hope you're okay, I don't really have any magical words for you it's crap what you've been through, and my heart really does go out to you. You're one heck of a strong woman though I think we all are in here 💪🏼 (despite definitely not always feeling that way! We are!)

Let us know how you progress with things and everyone's here for you xxxxxxxx sending lots of love xxxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

Hey Bibi. I do feel better for taking a little break. I just needed to be less consumed by it all. Hope your FET goes well! Everything crossed x

Hampshiregal profile image

Hi emu

So sorry to hear about your loss. I've had two m/c. My journey is not at all what what I expected when I started ivf. I'm three weeks post de fet (1st time de). I hate the pampers ad.

I managed to pick myself off the floor after my blighted ovum and trying to get on with normal things, starting with getting myself out of bed. I remember being in the kitchen listening to the radio and the Elton John song came on, 'baby got blue eyes' and I just sobbed my heart out.

Thinking of you xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Hampshiregal

Hey Hampshire... How are you feeling? One day at a time? Can't imagine having a second m/c. It's a manic world this ivf world. Some days I want to get off the ride. Some days I think I'll miss what comes next if I do xx

Hampshiregal profile image
Hampshiregal in reply to emu2016

Yes, I can't believe I've been doing ivf for nearly three years. Well needed breaks in between. I'm on my 4th cycle. I've so much respect for the ladies on 6th or 7th try.

I'm currently 3 weeks post de fet and waiting for the scan on 16th August. I'm not sure how I'll pick myself off the floor again, if it doesn't work out. As you said one day at a time x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Hampshiregal

I'm with you on that. 6 or 7 times is like some kind of replica warrior woman! Well it feels that way. I guess if you're in it it feels different. Lots of luck. I'll be watching out for your news x

NMP1026 profile image

Awe Emu

You have been missed. I have been thinking of you and was wondering how you are. I was actually thinking of you yesterday.

Thank you so much for the post and sharing this with us all. I'm glad to hear you and Mr Emu are managing to share a smile and laugh within this cruel world of infertility.

Please look after yourselves. Sending you lots of love xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to NMP1026

It's so lovely to hear I've been missed! I didn't really expect to receive such love upon return! It's nice taking our time; but we're finding ourselves chatting a bit more about our options now which is nice. And chatting about a holiday! x

NMP1026 profile image
NMP1026 in reply to emu2016

You have been amazing with everyone. It's the very least we can do to show you a bit of love.

Take your time hun and slowly things will start to become clearer.

Hmm a holiday that's on my bucket list if this doesn't work. Im in the 2we. 1st stop an all inclusive where I can drink lots of cocktails.

Seriously please take care and keep us updated xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to NMP1026

I basically planned my summer for BFP and summer for BFN. I didn't plan a BFP and then sadness. So I just instigated the BFN plan - but it never had a holiday for me and Mr Emu in it! x

NMP1026 profile image
NMP1026 in reply to emu2016

Aww hun I can't even begin to imagine the devastation.

Sending love to you both and hoping that better things are heading your way. You and Mr Emu both deserve happiness. Hugs xx

forMoira profile image

Aw Emu,

Nice to hear from you, but also sad to hear your news. I was so happy for you before.

My second cycle failed spectacularly this week with just one egg that wasn't even good enough for them to try to fertilize. I took it really badly, mostly because on the last cycle my eggs were surprisingly good. I hope your devastation doesn't last too long and your relationship is strengthened by going through so much together.


emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to forMoira

I remember that particular devastation of egg collection not fertilising last year. Ultimately they're all a devastation of loss. Take time to take stock and keep close to your other half xx

N_M_10 profile image

Hi emu, have missed your posts. So sorry for all you have been through. You and Mr Emu seem like such a wonderful, supportive couple to each other. I am glad you have been having some fun too.

I started sniffing suprecur on Friday, feeling pretty rubbish but know it's a necessary process for the greater good. Hopefully only 80 sniffs to go then injection time.

Take care xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to N_M_10

I love how you're counting the sniffs! Fingers crossed for this journey for you x

TeamMonkey profile image

Big hugs, I lost a pregnancy in march so I understand how hard this is. If age hadn't been on my side I'd have taken longer off, but only had 3 months then did a fresh cycle. Currently 7+4 had a scan just hoping everything continues ok. Like you I was ready to give up, whilst desperately wanting to try again all at the same time! But time out to sort your head out Is key! Xx

Ditsy21 profile image

I've missed seeing your posts emu. It hasn't been the same without you!

Just wanted to say I hope you are feeling more okay now xx

Scarlett13 profile image

Welcome back! I'm 5 days into my first round! Hope you're taking one day and one step at a time x

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