I'm after some advice and tips on the best ways to overcome the fear of Smear tests and other external examinations? Last year I had a horrific experience when having an internal and it's really scared and put me off and I know it's something I need to overcome. We're about to start our first cycle of IVF and I don't want to be feeling so scared and anxious every time I go for an appointment I know it sounds pathetic but any advice would be greatly appreciated x
Fear of Smear Tests and Internal Exam... - Fertility Network UK
Fear of Smear Tests and Internal Examinations

I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience and it's not pathetic at all. I think you need to speak to your clinic about this so that they are aware and can reassure you and hopefully make you feel at ease. I've just had a failed IVF cycle and you do have quite a few scans so it's something you need to be prepared for. Perhaps look into relaxation techniques too? I'm sure they wouldn't mind you taking someone in with you if that would help. Hope it all goes ok xx
Hey, I totally understand how you feel - this was me a few years ago.
I told my clinic and my consultant was really understanding, he told me he hears it quite often as it only takes one professional to leave someone with a bad experience.
I have since worked out the more relaxed you are the easier it is (I know easier said than done). I do a lot of talking myself through it 'being okay' and I have to say apart from finding the speculum a little uncomfortable which I think most people do if there honest im not a complete mess when having it done. Good luck xx
This was me after my first smear (aged 25, now 37). I feared getting another one so much that I was 3 years overdue by the time someone convinced/emotionally blackmailed me. It came back with grade 3 severe cell changes. I had a biopsy and part of my cervix removed. I have never ever been so terrified at the thought of that treatment whereby I had 4 injections into my cervix and was awake throughout. My gp prescribed Valium I was in such a state. But I survived it! Better still they'd caught it! No more treatment, just regular smears which have been a breeze now I consider what the alternative was! And that's how I look at getting through smears, it's easy compared to the alternative.
As for ivf, as terrified as I was, and I was and have been over various stages of treatment, I told myself I got through that 👆🏻 and I would get through ivf. You will get used to the internal scans, sounds unlikely but it's true. Just take it one step at a time. By the end of treatment you will be amazed by how much stronger you were, that you did it, and you will be proud! Good luck 💪🏻 🍀 xx
It doesn't sound pathetic to me. I always had horrendous pain during pelvic examinations scans smears- mine turned out to be due to undiagnosed and untreated endometriosis from my pouch of Douglas- which was found and treated last month.
Most ladies will have discomfort but not be lots of pain- it's not normal.
As for tips - try to be calm- easier said than done my last smear the nurse had me breathing and actually that helped a bit (before endo diagnosis)
Sometimes I think it's also down to person doing the procedure- some are better than others. The two smears I had before were over within minutes- last one took I'm not joking half an hour- I was nearly in tears.
I would tell your clinic - I'm sure if you inform the clinic then they will be aware and be kind, understanding and above all patient.
All the best with your IVF cycle hope it brings you two magical lines. xoxo
Thank you everyone for your replies it means a lot - we have our consent appointment on the 12th for IVF and know I need an up to date smear before we can proceed - I did have a smear done whilst under a GA last year when I had my fertility tests but the hospital messed it up and didn't label it up properly when sending to the lab - I was so annoyed as due to me being so scared I thought great they'll do it whilst I'm asleep! I've got a test booked in now for the 17th as my GP will only do it whilst I'm in the middle of my cycle I'll have to speak to the hospital about it when we go next week but at least I've got it booked in - I'm hoping because my last examination was so bad that when I go this time it'll be the complete opposite and I'll wonder why the hell I'm getting myself so worked up! x
You'll find as you progress through the treatment that things rarely end up being as painful as you have built them up to be in your mind. Honestly.
Have a chat with your gp about prescribing you some Valium. You won't be high or anything, just much more relaxed about everything xx
I think alot of women go through this. Apparently if you are tall it can make smears harder.
Have you ever had an internal scan before? Lovingly referred to as dildo cam by a few on here. I find those alot easier than smears and they were the only type of internal needed in my ivf as my clinic did EC under anaesthetic. Apart from ET which was a bit uncomfortable as for singe train they started with a short speculum even though im 5ft 11!
As others have advised talk to the clinic. I'm sure they've had this concern alot.
I haven't had an internal scan before, yes I'm going to talk to the clinic and I've also got a Smear booked I thinking it's a case of 'getting back in the saddle' and by having another one done my fear will disappear lol I'm sure by the end of IVF I'll be a pro at it!
Smears are so tricky but there was a radio talk show that said if you are tense (which makes it worse) then they can prescribe a low dose diazepam to calm you for the appointment.
My lady bits are in a mess due to endo making access difficult and I'm tall. The last smear was more like a yoga class. Bum up, leg over there, let's move the bed from the wall! You know you are in trouble when you have to rearrange furniture! After all that and hysterical laughing at the situation as she knew i was nervous i got insufficient cells!
I've been told that next time its better to go somewhere with stirrups as they are fighting a losing battle with my bits hiding. Didn't think to warn the dr at ET as I was more interested in the picture of the embryo.
Internal scans are alot easier than having a smear.
Some discomfort is ok. In case of pain you should make more tests.
In your case you can ask to be present of someones test and examination to calm yourself.
About horrific experience - I feel sorry for you, but sometimes such things happens and we should just go ahead. No one is protected from it, but in cases of reliable clinics chances of such thing is insignificant.
So attempted to have smear done today and completely lost it and tensed up so nurse couldn't do it feel so disappointed in myself how the hell am I'm gonna get myself through IVF if I can't even tolerate a simple smear???? Have rebooked it to try again and also made an appointment with the doctor to get some diazepam to take before hand - feel like such a let down
Ah I totally feel your pain, I have smears under GA and am now on my 3rd attempt at IVF. I explained everything and they do all of my scans externally, and do Embryo transfer under sedation. They have never made me feel awkward or difficult, and you generally get the top bod doing your scans!! Xxx
Well had my smear done again today and I managed to get myself through it am so relieved 😀
Hi, I just wanted to clarify that in the uk, smear samples are only examined for cell changes if you're one of the ~13% who are positive for 'high risk' hpv strains. (The strains that can cause cell changes and cancer.)
So unless you already know your hpv status, why not start by doing a simple self vaginal swab hpv test? Available for about £35 from Medicines Online. You only need to worry about a smear if you're positive for hpv.