Questions to ask at Gynae appt? - Fertility Network UK

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Questions to ask at Gynae appt?

lou79 profile image
10 Replies

Two years ago I went to the Dr to seek help as my husband and I had been trying for a baby for over a year with no success. My Dr referred me to a fertility specialist who after a quick internal exam said it was most likely ovulation problems and sent me off with a prescription for clomid. After 4 months or so of terrible mood swings and lots of tears and no success with clomid I was seen by the fertility specialist again who said we could go for IVF on the NHS but waiting times were up to a year. I was 36 years old and I felt time wasn't on our side, plus after trying for a year I was so disheartened at the thought of waiting another year to begin treatment that it just felt more than I could take. We therefore got a bank loan and self funded for a private round of IVF. We were blessed with a successful round and now have a beautiful 1 year old daughter who I thank god for every day. I realise how lucky we are especially as I bled through out my pregnancy and feared many times it was over. Now we are thinking of attempting to add to our family and we can not afford more treatment and we had no frozen embyros to use. I have asked my Dr to refer me to a Gynae for further investigation as to why we couldn't conceive naturally. As I never got any explanation as to why we weren't conceiving before we went for IVF. I want to try to find an explanation for what they called our 'unexplained fertility'. My bleeding throughout my pregnancy was firstly caused by cervical erosion and then later they discovered a polyp on my cervix which bled. So what do I ask at this gynae apt? What investigations do I insist on? Any advice welcome and I so hope I haven't offended anyone by posting here asking for advice to help me conceive a 2nd child when so many of you are going through such a very difficult journey xx

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10 Replies
Coracle profile image

Hi. Diane our nurse and admin person extra-ordinaire from Fertility Network UK can send you a list of questions to ask at your appointment xx

Coracle profile image

Here is how to get in contact with Diane

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Coracle

It would be great to have these questions posted on the forum! Good luck with finding out your reasons - with problems found, solutions can be potentially found x

lou79 profile image
lou79 in reply to Scarlett13

HI Scarlett, thank you! I just want to be as prepared as possible so that they don't try to palm me off with another Clomid prescription. I was like a crazy woman on that drug!! I couldn't go through that again. I'm very lucky to have our little IVF miracle and if these investigations don't show anything and our infertility is still unexplained well at least we will know we tried to give our daughter a sibling and it just wasn't meant to be for us xx

lou79 profile image
lou79 in reply to Coracle

Hi Coracle, thank you. I will drop Diane a quick note and see what she suggests. I just don't want to waste time on blood tests, and go through various internal exams etc if there would be one procedure which would give the best indication of the state of my insides lol xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to lou79

To find out the cause of my infertility, I had the HSG done 3x, an ultrasound, blood tests, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and now potentially i may need surgery to have a TAC fitted! Such a long journey to even get to start ivf! The ultrasound and blood tests revealed no issues. You may find having more evasive tests will give you more answers and more hope x

lou79 profile image
lou79 in reply to Scarlett13

Hi Scarlett, my goodness you really have gone through so many tests and examinations! I so hope everything works out for you! Thank you so much for the advice xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to lou79

Usually folks have an assessment of ovary reserve... this means checking your FSH and maybe AMH (blood tests), also counting up follicles seen during a normal cycle. Checking whether you are ovulating each month... a progesterone blood test approx 7d before your period. But I'd be really surprised if this hasn't been done already? It sounds like they have said they think you have ovulation problems?

Next checking your tubes aren't blocked, and an assessment of the inside of the womb.. ultrasound can see fibroids... a hycosy ultrasound can tell them a bit more about the womb lining/inside the womb and even if the tubes are ok.. a 'lap and dye' including hysteroscopy under a general anaesthetic can check more thoroughly I think if your tubes are blocked, and definitely more thoroughly if there are issues inside your womb... eg adhesions/polyps...or if known fibroids, are they causing problems to the womb lining. Again, has some of this not been done already?

A lot of people I'm afraid are left with the label 'unexplained infertility'. For ivf, it's important to know the womb lining etc is ok for implantation... this is why at the very least an ultrasound is done, but often a hycosy ultrasound or hysteroscopy. However, you are in the very good position of having had a successful pregnancy which is reassuring. You got pregnant on one round of ivf, which is amazing, so sounds like hopefully no implantation issues.

I would just ask the specialist to explain why, from looking at your notes so far, he/she thinks you have had problems, and what tests he/she recommends next....

My only other concern is, I hope you are being seen by a fertility specialist, not just a gynaecologist, and you can go straight into waiting for ivf if necessary..

lou79 profile image
lou79 in reply to Coracle

Thank you Coracle! So many different tests and investigations to consider! I'm hoping they do a dye test to check for blockages. Thank you so much for all the info! Best of luck to you I so hope you are successful on your next attempt. This process is just so physically and mentally demanding xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to lou79

I would just try and trust the specialist you see. Obviously, if you have concerns and distrust them, ask to see someone else. Also chat things over with a GP you trust, I hope you have one. xx

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