So after 3 failed cycles and 4years ttc, I finally get a bfp. Please tell me I'm not imagining it!! We had a really poor response last time, have low amh and had made the difficult decision to go for donor eggs as the Drs thought there was little chance with my own eggs. We are on the waiting list at the moment. Then somehow the natural method has done the trick. Still disbelieving at the moment and hoping this 1 sticks. Please tell me you see that magic second line too?? Xx
Completely out of the blue - my first... - Fertility Network UK
Completely out of the blue - my first ever bfp!!!

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Definitely see it! Massive congratulations and everything crossed for a continued healthy pregnancy 🎉Xx
Oh my goodness this is amazing!!! I can definitely see the line! A little miracle xx😘
Yep definitely congratulations x
Definitely a positive!! Congratulations!!! Xxxx
Hurrah - yes I see it! Congratulations- it's an amazing feeling isn't it. I got my bfp this morning too and still can't quite believe it
That's definitely two lines xx
Oh hunny reading this makes me so happy and fills me with hope!!! Congratulations to you!!! Enjoy this special moment xxx
There is definitely a second line there, not even a squinter! Congratulations! X
What amazing news!! congratulations x
Hell yes!! Fantastic news - wishing you all the best xx
Defo a clear second line. Massive congratulations xxx
I see it, its defo there!! Yipppeeee!xx
Thank you for your replies. In complete shock. Can't believe my eyes. Am so pleased but trying to keep my cautious head on too. Will definitely be booking a private scan at 7 weeks for reassurance. Best wishes to everyone on this journey. It is tough and emotionally draining, but completely worth it when you have a day like today xxx
I see it. Fingers crossed for you and all the best 🍀🤞 x
Anna that is amazing news congratulations xx
Congratulations x
Fabulous anna0908 this brought a year to my eye!! Congrats xxx

Hi anna0908. Well done you! When you've come back down to earth, you'd better get a scan booked, so you can meet your tiny one. Hope all continues to go well for you. Diane
Congratulations!!! Xxx
Wow amazing..I see it very clearly..this is fab news..congrats xx
Wow that's amazing news and naturally too how lovely, I hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy x x x
Wow!!!!!!! xx congratulations! x
The line is definitely there, amazing, congratulations!!! xoxo
What great news! Congratulations x
Many many congrats.... wonderful news
congratulations . .. definitely can see a 2nd line x
Brilliant news, many congratulations. Fingers crossed for a smooth pregnancy for you xx