Worrying; 6 weeks pregnant this weeke... - Fertility Network UK

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Worrying; 6 weeks pregnant this weekend but brown tinge UPDATED and edited at the bottom of my post. Test this morning; Saturday 18th

Tugsgirl profile image
60 Replies

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Friday 17/3. Hi all. As my post says I'm about 6 weeks. I go for my 6 week scan on Monday. I've just been to use the bathroom and when I wiped I had a slight brown tinge, it was ever so slight but it's still got me worried a bit. I'm a tad sore down there, I think from the pessaries.. anyone have any experience of this? Other than my normal symptoms (backache and slight cramping, sore boobs) I'm ok x

Update Saturday; physically I feel ok. I'm not in any pain. My boobs still feel somewhat tender, I still have very very mild lower backache. I'm still overly tired and I'm still getting positive lines on a test. Although first thing this morning there was more brown discharge than yesterday, I've not had any since.. I have emailed my clinic and waiting for someone to get back to me....

I will update you all later if there are anymore developments. Thank you to everyone for your support xx

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Tugsgirl profile image
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60 Replies

Try using the pessaries rectally I found it less messy and also keeps everything clear so you can monitor the tinge. Try not worry (easier said than done) xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Oh god, all I've done is worry 😞 X

in reply to Tugsgirl

It's a very stressful and anxious time for you. Big hugs xx

baby2016 profile image

Aw tugsgirl, I completely I understand your worries, but stay positive, all will be ok. Slight brown when wiping is completely normal and hopefully just your little one fully embedding for the next 8months! Easier said than done to keep positive but please do, it makes it a much easier process if you can xx

Rainbow_86 profile image

Aww bless you... I guess like how we overly analyse each symptom each month whilst trying to get pregnant.... convincing ourselves it's pregnancy symptoms..... it's the same when you are pregnant over analysing because it means so much and worrying something will go wrong. I know it's easy to say but try not to worry. I know that's easy for me to say. Baby will be getting comfy in your tummy :) hope your ok. Big hugs xxxxx

Jellybeenz profile image

Bit of brown is completely, absolutely normal. I wish there was a way to turn the worry off! How are you? And how are you feeling about your scan on Monday?

I switched to 'the back door' for the pessaries and although the idea of it is worse, in practice it was much better. No mess, no leaking and no pain.


Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Jellybeenz

Every day I panic over something. But I've been fine all day today until I spotted this discharge. I hate hate hate that I can't enjoy my pregnancy, that I can't relax and just be happy! Why is this whole damn process so hard? I truly envy women who get pregnant without a problem and have happy pregnancies. Why can't we be like them?? Even when you get your longed for bfp you don't get to just be happy 😢 xx

Strawb86 profile image

Oh bless you tugsgirl!! Honestly this is 10000000% normal. Just your baby burying in deep for the long haul :) big hugs xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Strawb86

I hope so. Thank you for offering me some comfort xx

emmab178 profile image

I've gone straight to hole number 2 for pessaries. Got a bit paranoid about bacteria etc getting into hole number 1. Giving me the trotts I think (or might be the weird food I'm picking at) but other than that it's fine.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to emmab178

I go to toilet a lot, I have mild irritable bowel syndrome so the back passage is not the most practical option for me.. x

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Tugsgirl

Oh dear. It's only got to be in for 20-30minutes. Maybe I've got ibs as that's even sometimes a bit of a struggle.

Scan on Monday is very exciting. Try to stay positive x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to emmab178

I really am trying. I know keep stressing probably isn't good, just can't help it 😞 X

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Tugsgirl

I know it's easier to say and feel free to remind me when I'm stressing lol x

Smithha profile image

My clinic told me that brown discharge is completely normal hunni, please try not to worry xx and believe me I know how hard it is xxx wow six week scan Monday that's come round quick babes x it's going to be ok hunni xxxxxxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Smithha

I love my baby so much already it scares me. I'm so scared it's going to break my heart. These two weeks have probably been the longest of my life. Thank you for offering me comfort. Xx

Krikri profile image

I totally understand Hun... I'm in the same situation. I keep going to the loo every time I feel a little "wet" just to check if there isn't any blood stain. It's stressful and I have my first scan next Friday. Crossing fingers for you! 😘🙏🏻✨💖

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to Krikri

It is a worry x hoping we're all ok and good luck for your scan x

Hello! I completely understand the worry. Also running to the loo regularly. Wishing for the best for you! XX

I'm sorry to hear this - I know how worrying it can be. I bled very heavily like a period when I was 7 weeks with my now 18 year old son. I was convinced I'd lost him and was surprised he was fine! My sister also bled at 5 weeks and like me was told it was a threatened miscarriage and my niece is 4 this year. Some women do bleed in early in pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies. Thinking of you X

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Thank you Jess. I showed my OH the paper and he had to ask me what he was looking for because it was so slight. However im on it like a hawk. I hope it's just a one off but I didn't think it would hurt to ask others for their experiences xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

I'm not surprised-after a fight with infertility and to win you're bound to worry. I'd be exactly the same. I think it's the price we pay for having to fight so hard to get our postive test. I'd say try not to worry but I know that is nigh on impossible. If it's brown blood it's old blood-it might be where the embryo implanted. All the best for your scan I hope you see a beautiful heartbeat flickering away 💝✨✨✨✨

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

God I've never had such a worrisome tww in my life as the last two! Time is standing still and in the meantime I have had more brown discharge this morning 😕 Xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

It can be common for women to bleed early in pregnancy-my bleeding was like a period and I didn't lose the baby. It is the last thing you want to see when you've tried so hard to get here-if I fell and had bleeding I would totally freak out-it wouldn't matter that my first pregnancy was ok.

Can you call your clinic? Or go to an early pregnancy unit clinic? Just to have your mind put at ease. They might do a pregnancy blood test to see how things are going.

I think the fact it's brown blood is encouraging-miscarriage is usually bright red and painful-me and my sister both had a threatened miscarriage and our babies were fine.


Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

I emailed my clinic because they don't do scans on the weekends, so I'm waiting for someone to get back to me... my official scan is on Monday anyway but at the moment it feels like time is standing still! Didn't think it was worth a hospital trip as I'm not in any pain. Just hoping and praying that despite everything my baby is ok xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

I'm sure your baby is fine-but I can understandthe worry you must be feeling. I hope the scan gives you the reassurance you need. Take care and rest up. The housework is not important right now! 😂

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Thank you Jess x

Kelly-03 profile image

Hi, I have had similar too this evening and I've been worried too xx you don't want to go to the toilet do you? Xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Kelly-03

I've checked every day since day one of the tww. It doesn't get any easier. I hope you're ok too xx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to Tugsgirl

We can't help but worry xx just hoping we're all ok and good luck for your scan xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Kelly-03

And you and yours xx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thankyou xx

Nesfin profile image

Nothing to worry! I had a bit of brown discharge around at the same time, just a bit of old blood coming out (it kind popped when I put the pessaries in and scared the living daylights out of me!). But as it stopped soon after and never came back, I stopped worrying.. apparently it's very common. You'll start to enjoy your pregnancy more once you get further and used to hearing everything's as it should be lol I'm slowly allowing myself to relax a bit.. but still panic at times 😂🙈 All part of the "fun"! xoxo

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Nesfin

Thank you 😘 Xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I've seen more brown this morning 😕 X

JulesNI profile image

I hope the clinic get back to you soon, praying all is ok 🙏 x x

Amanda86 profile image


I think brown blood is pretty normal with it being old blood. A friend of mine had some brown spotting through her pregnancy at the beginning.

I think it's only when the blood is pink and red so fresh blood that it's a concern.

Hope the clinic get back to you soon and can put your mind at ease 😊 xxx

72cloud9 profile image

A lot of women get this so I'm sure it's all fine but hopefully the messages here & a call back from your clinic will reassure u. Treat urself to a really lazy restful weekend. Big hugs xxx

pana82 profile image

I can see lots of people with experience reassuring you and I have read similar positive stories. Do you think it could just be the pessaries causing some irritation? I think I have read that somewhere and it's nothing to be worried about.

Good luck for your scan xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to pana82

I really hope that's what it is thank you xx

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hello, I had some brown blood around 11 weeks and everything was fine. It actually seems to be quite normal (especially after IVF) so try not to worry - I know it's hard!

Good luck for your scan x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Hopeful1982

Thank you. This is probably the toughest time period I've ever had. Thank you for sharing xx

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Tugsgirl

Waiting on that first scan is harder than the 2ww! The time truly drags! x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Hopeful1982

I've never known anything like it! The wait is pure torture especially when there's things going on that worry the hell out of me! It's like time has stood still 😞 x

Nesfin profile image
Nesfin in reply to Tugsgirl

Did you hear back from your clinic? I know you must be really worried but it is very common to have discharge and as long as it's brown = old blood it's a good sign. And you've got no pain or cramps. I don't think that going to a&e would help you because they would only do bloods and refer you to a scan at EPAU which would most probably be on Monday because it's already late in the day. So hang in there, find anything to distract you as much as humanly possible and let the time pass by quickly! Monday will soon be here!! Lots and lots of hugs xoxo

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Nesfin

No. First time ever my clinic didn't respond to an email. I think they are now closed for the day too..

I am having some light cramps and have light backache but that's been very normal for me so far.. but like I said I'm not in pain xx

Nesfin profile image
Nesfin in reply to Tugsgirl

Sounds very familiar! Get off Internet and pamper yourself with something nice. Chill out. Breath. Believe in the positive. Close your eyes and imagine a safe place and a strong heartbeat for your embie ❤❤

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Nesfin

Thanks. I'm going for a lie down. Didn't sleep well last night xx

Smithha profile image

Thinking of you xxxx hope you've heard back from the clinic xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Smithha

Didn't hear anything 😞 Xx

Smithha profile image
Smithha in reply to Tugsgirl

I'm sorry they haven't been in touch Hun 😞 Have a chilled weekend, I'm really sure everything is going to be ok xxxxxxx

Hollibob profile image

Have you got an early pregnancy clinic at your local hospital?

Some of them are more helpful than others, but it's worth a go x

Hope your feeling ok and things have settled down 💕💕

Thinking about you! Fingers crossed for Monday. My symptoms come and go and also had lower back ache.

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Updated how I'm getting on just below.. thank you x

Tugsgirl profile image

Update - Sunday 19/3

I saw no more brown yesterday but have seen a little this morning, only once and just a slight tinge in colour. I still feel ok except for minor cramping, tender boobs and backache which is normal for me. On this mornings test the lines were equally as strong as each other.

Clinic only picked up my email this morning and rang back to say that in 9 times out of 10 brown discharge is perfectly normal and not a cause for concern. They asked me if I'd seen any red (no) and if I was in pain (no) and told me to try not to worry..

Scan is tomorrow morning. Time has stood still the last few days. Please keep me and my Mini Babba in your thoughts tomorrow morning, and pray that all is well for us and thank you xxx

Taking this as a good sign but out of nowhere I've just been sick 😷 Feeling a bit better now it's up and out but hopefully it is a good sign 🤞 X

Kelly-03 profile image

So pleased your still getting your positive x your scan is tomorrow wishing you lots of luck that you get your miracle(s) on the screen xx

Tugsgirl profile image

On my way to the clinic now. This is worse than taking your test after the tww. Having got this far I'd be heartbroken if all isn't as it should be. Hopefully it will be though. I've had no more brown spotting since early yesterday and no change in symptoms. Today has been the first day I haven't tested since my bfp two weeks ago! Obviously there was very little point today. Here goes nothing..... 💪🏻 🙏🏻 🤞🍀 xx

All the best with your scan. I hope you see a beautiful heart beat. With how tough this whole journey is I'm not surprised you're feeling the way you are-I think I'd be the same. X

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Thank you Jess x

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