So after having 18 eggs collected yesterday I just got a phone call to say that only 7 have fertilised... that’s way below the average and it has really worried me... My wife said that I need to think positive and that 7 is a good number but I’m worried now that there is a reason that so few of the 18 actually fertilised and that they won’t be ‘strong’ enough to make it to day 5 / 6 ... due another phone call on Friday for an update so I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed 🤞🏻
The day 2 call...: So after having 1... - Fertility Network UK
The day 2 call...

7 is a good number! it may just mean that the others weren't mature enough and has nothing to do with the quality of the ones that are. 7 still give you a good chance.
Thank you... that does make me feel better... I think my mind just went into overdrive ...
I read the following online and thought it might make you feel better!
Typically, it goes something like this: 10 eggs, 8 mature eggs, 6 fertilized embryos, 4 eight cell embryos, 2 to 3 blastocysts. If the egg numbers are larger than 20, we typically have more immature eggs in the bunch.
7 is a great number and I agree with Sarah83ap.. defo no indication that they aren’t going to be of great quality! Best of luck xx
7 is a great number. I was told to expect 40/ 50% to fertilise so you aren’t too far off that. Good luck for Friday. 🤞 for you xx
Amazing number. I got 5 from 16 Also quality that good sign rather than quantity too. As they say it only takes one too. Best wishes xx
I know its disheartening when the numbers drop off but you’re just below a 50% fertilisation rate which is actually pretty good!
I remember being a bit shocked when they rang to say how many had fertilised, but then almost all made it to 5 or 6 day blasto stage.
Good luck for the update on Friday!
Meant to say, like you I had a lot of eggs collected and the consultant mentioned they would expect a slightly lower than average fertilisation rate in those circumstances because some weren’t mature x
Thank you... i do feel better now I realise that it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with the 7... I just fretted because it sounded so low compared to the 18... I just have my fingers crossed they can continue...x
Just to reiterate what others have said - I had 7 mature eggs last cycle and still had 3-4 blasts. I know it’s an anxious time but really hope all will be well. Best of luck to you xx

Thank you very much... that makes me hopeful ... I would be over the moon if 3-4 of them make it that far! x
It's a great number. 1 is a great number. You can transfer at 2 days if they're not growing well. 5 /6 days is great to freeze but I'm pregnant with a 3 day transfer. Keep calm. Will those beauties to grow. Good luck
7 is a good number. To put your mind at ease, I had 17 collected on my first attempt and 10 fertilised with 5 blastocysts. On my most recent attempt, they collected 13, 10 were mature and 6 made it to blastocysts. It is to do with the maturity of the eggs and if they fertilise and progress well. Good luck
You said it yourself 7 is a great number... a lucky number!
Never worry about the numbers, its always the quality that counts which I know unfortunately is something you don't have any control over, and it's frustrating when they don't all fertilise but remember you only need one.
Stay positive and I wish you the best of luck for your call on Friday x
I had 25eggs, 15 mature, 8 fertilised, 8 made it day 3, and 2 made it to freezing on day 5. First FET bfn. Last blast bfp- im 10 weeks along.
I was upset with the dwindling numbers. But i soon realised having 2 day 5 high quality blasts is lucky. I found that the most stressful week of process. Hang in there.
Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
Thank you! This post has really helped and makes me feel way more positive ... I can now see that I’m lucky to be this far with 7... I’m expecting a phone call this morning with another update and I feel more prepared now for the numbers to be much lower... this is my first cycle and I think it just knocked the wind out my sails a little bit... trying to focus on the positives now ...
congratulations and good luck with your journey x
Yea it was a blow to me too, as everything had all gone so well. I had not been prepared for the drop off. Like you I couldn't have a fresh cos ohss, so relied on Day 5 blasts, but the ones thst make it to day 5 are strong little guys. The ones that don't make it to day 5 freezing most likely wouldn't have been strong enough to implant. So day 5s are good strong chances.
Good luck with the call🤞🤞
It’s quality not quantity you want. And it only takes 1. Good luck