So i told a friend yesterday that i had a date for my initial consultation. I was putting off because i thought she might feel akward after recently giving birth. Her response really upset me. She said that's great. I'm feeling quite broody myself again already but wouldn't fancy going through the pregnancy bit again! Am i being over sensitive? X
Over sensitive?: So i told a friend... - Fertility Network UK
Over sensitive?

I'm sure she meant no harm. People put their mouths to work before they put their minds in gear. I don't think you're being too sensitive though. Although I'm sure anyone who doesn't know the struggle of ttc and fertility issues would think we are too sensitive! This journey makes us this way! My best friend gave me a lift to the clinic twice on my first round and during a conversation about ivf she told me she'd never have gone through with it if it was her. I asked why and she replied that she'd have thought "it just wasn't meant to be" wow, I was not expecting that! I thought she'd say because she was too scared or something. I thought what the hell am I supposed to do with that?! Easy for her to say when she has a one year old little boy who she (I kid you not) conceived after deciding to try, on the first month and plucked cd14 as a rough guess to try and it only took one go! (They literally had sex once). Anyway my point is I know she didn't mean it as it sounded. She's a big cheerleader of my ivf journey and is always telling me I'm brave and that she's proud. People just don't think sadly X
My closest friends all concieved within a short space of time. I think you're right. Unless you're going through it you don't really understand and people say things they don't necessarily mean. My friend announced on my hen do she was pregnant for the second time when i'd poured us all a drink to celebrate. It was a tumble weed moment! I then had to take her aside and comfort her because she was upset about steeling my thunder! X
bless you. You're definitely not being over sensitive. Its other people through no fault of their own just don't understand the process and what you have to go through. A colleague of mine who already has one child stuck a positive preg test under my nose recently then proceeded to tell me how it wasn't planned and she was going to have to learn to see it as a blessing not a curse. Made me so angry. People don't think but at least you have this site to vent. Stay strong!xx
Your not being over sensitive at all but unless you've been throught/going through what all the women on here have then it is very hard for others to relate to and sometimes people say thoughtless things. I'm sure she didn't intend to hurt you but it simply wouldn't have crossed her mind what she had said. Yesterday I was having a one on one meeting with a girl i manage at wk and she asked me if everything was okay and I said yes I'm all good I've just got some tests coming up but all should be fine and she said I thought it might be because you wanted a baby!! I could have died right there in that moment but I just had to smile and say no I'm all good but nothing to do with that. Its hard because these comments tend to stay with you but you just have to put then to one side, smile back and move on and rant on here to get it off your chest Xxx

I've defo found this site helpful. Its nice to have support from women who understand x
I think she's sharing something with you the way you shared something with her. She's telling you she found pregnancy hard. I reckon that's probably also quite a hard thing to admit so maybe you could take it as a confidence the way you shared your confidence with her? It sounds like you're close and I definitely don't think she realised that comment might upset you. 💜
dont think u are being over sensitive at all hun, i put a very similar post not so long ago!! People do just say stupid things on this journey, I have found. Dont give yourself a hard time about being upset about it! We are on a massively difficult journey - sadly people who havent had to experience this will never understand xxx