So just had my second Follie scan, all is good apparently! Lining is still good, I have 8 follicles 4 at 18mm 2 at 20mm and 2 at 16mm
Looks like they may do egg collection on Friday instead of Monday.
Things seem to be heading in the right direction and positive.
Just need to wait to hear from the hospital tonight about the ovatrille injection should they decided to go ahead Friday.
I feel happy, apprehensive, nervous, excited everything!
But I am very nervous about egg collection, needles are my fear and every though I have injections every night they haven't really got any easier so I'm not looking forward to the canular in my arm for EC and the thought of being semi conscious!
Hope all you lovely ladies are ok and stim buddies are also coming along nicely!
Sending you all love and luck