Hi all
Little update from me, I have just recently received the NHS funding approval and we had an appointment at our fertility clinic on Thursday just gone.
Our consultant amazingly said we can start with my next period which will be at the end of the month!! I'm apparently having the short antagonist protocol, I'm not sure why he's chosen the short protocol as he said everything was fine with me and I thought that protocol was for ladies who were at risk for ohss. But trusting that he of course knows what's for the best. And good news is it is a very quick process so will all be over by early April, including the 2ww!
All in all feeling very grateful and lucky that our clinic have been so efficient and able to accommodate us so soon.
It's my husbands birthday coming up and I was wondering about booking a spa weekend away for us. So, does anyone know if massages, jacuzzi etc are ok while you're going through the stimming process? I know that it wouldn't be suitable after ET (and hopefully beyond that!), but just not sure of the restrictions in the run up to it.
Thanks in advance ladies. Sending you all positive vibes and good wishes xxx