Well she only turned up bloody 5 days late. My IVF has been amended by 3 days- my scan has been pushed back and egg collection, but we are officially starting injections tomorrow… I’m still cautious as I know my next hurdle is to get enough good size follicles for egg collection (I have low AMH), but will try and take it a day at a time. Thanks for all of your support ladies. X
Finally- Injections start tomorrow (s... - Fertility Network UK
Finally- Injections start tomorrow (short protocol) : )

Fab news!! Im also on short protocol but 7 days ahead of you as of today, I have another scan on Saturday after my first yesterday keep thinking positive I have had no side effects or symptoms from injections and my follicles were up to 11 yesterday so Im hoping for a good growth now till Saturday- keep us updated x
Thank you for your reply, it's good to hear someone having a good experience as I'm slightly nervous about side effects, as I reacted quite badly to clomid. What drugs are you on? When's your estimated egg collection?xx
Im on merional which I started on 150u now im up to 225u and also orgalutran 0.25u, my estimated EC is mod next week but should know more after scan on Saturday earliest would be monday but nurse thinks they won't ready till mid week Im nervous for EC but I just keep in mind thousands of women do it each year and if it means a Postive pregnancy then it's worth it ha ha x
Are you having any sedation. I got the choice between IV sedation or gas & air, I chose the sedation. Didn't have the option for anaesthetic. Is your partner coming in with you?x
Im having sedation too I don't think my clinic do the gas and air option I would have opted for sedation anyway, nope I don't think he will be coming in as I think they will take him for his sperm sample when I go in for EC. Xx
i did the short protocol in october and i am just doing treatment for my FET in the next few weeks as i was at high risk of OHSS after my EC so i couldnt have a fresh transfer. I had sedation and i dont remember any of the procedure i was fast asleep everything was fine there is nothing to worry about honestly. you might feel a little bit sore afterwards and a bit lightheaded but nothing too severe. wish you the best of luck ladies,. xx
Good luck. I'm day 3 of injections today so first scan Monday x

Yay, more cycle buddies. Best of luck for Monday. x
I'm so glad to hear you can finally start! Good luck with everything! xx
Great news KeeKee - I hope everything goes well for your cycle - good luck! x x x
I'm hopefully starting my injections next wed if AF arrives this weekend as anticipated. EC is currently pencilled in for 30th Jan.
This is my 2nd round of ivf. As I'm an old bird I have low AMH but 1st round I had 11 follicles on my last scan & they collected 8 on EC day so you never know and it does only take 1.
EC was absolutely fine, I was sedated so v.sleepy afterwards and according to my OH I was talking all sorts of rubbish when I came round and flashing my lady bits when I climbed onto the bed!!
Good luck with your injections xx