Well had my EC today got four eggs, will find out tomorrow if fertilized. I'm dreading the call incase I've no eggs to put back. Im trying to remain hopefully while in pain from collection but find it a struggle can't stop crying. 😢
Egg collection : Well had my EC today... - Fertility Network UK
Egg collection

We only got 5 eggs first time and 6 eggs 2nd and only lost 1 or 2 each cycle at fertilisation stage - 4 turned into blastocysts last time. You have a high chance of having something to put back with 4 so try not to worry. I do understand lower numbers make the calls from the embryologist more stressful, and I always find this harder than the 2ww. Stay positive and sending best wishes your way for the call tomorrow x
Finger's crossed....it is so awful waiting...like you cant breathe....with pain and emotions I am not surprised you cant stop crying....Sending big hugs and positive vibes.xxxx
Ah bless you.....I have everything crossed for you...wait to hear....Big hugs xx
Hang in there honey, truly the most physically painful part is done now. Take good care of yourself, enjoy a nice long soak in the tub. Once your little bean is growing happily inside they are not allowed😃
4 good quality ones are better than 20 poor quality ones.
Hoping and praying for you💕

Thanks hun x
Yes good luck with this, you have 4 good ones and that's great news. It must be hard waiting though. I am about to face my first IVF cycle, with down regulators starting on Friday. Was EC painful? I thought it was meant to be painless with sedation? Really hope you are ok and manage to rest up, sleep and relax a little bit. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Good Luck and remember it's quality not quantity x