So transfer was this morning and although I feel much more positive and relaxed than the last 2 times, I still felt pretty apprehensive especially with such a bad transfer process on our last attempt. 10 eggs fertilised last week but unfortunately 1 deteriorated before the 3day blastocyst stage.
I was still hoping though there'd be 2 good ones for transfer with a couple that could be frozen. We got told on arrival that we had one absolute beauty, and 2 others that looked really good and were being frozen. The rest they are unsure of yet so got to wait until Monday for the results of them.
Transfer went really well, just got to sit tight, stay relaxed and let nature do its stuff! It's going to be a long 12 days but I've got a good feeling this time😀😀
Good luck to you all🍀👶🍀👶