Well EC went great!! Only sedation given and not general aesthetic as I thought. Bit sore and tender but hopefully be fine tomorrow. Absolutely over the moon when the nurse told me they managed to get 17 eggs from 16 follicles (didn't know that was possible) especially as one of my ovaries sits behind the uterus and was a bit more tricky for collection. Can't wait for the phone call tomorrow to say how many have been fertilised!!
Results of EC Today - 17 Eggs :) - Fertility Network UK
Results of EC Today - 17 Eggs :)

thats super good.....congras....good luck for more eggs to get fertilized...
Well done!
Yay fingers crossed for you xxxx

Hi stargaze89. So pleased that your EC went so well. Here's to fertilisation and good results with that too. Make sure you rest when you can and drink plenty of water, as you had such a good result, your ovaries may remain a bit active for a few days. Good luck! Diane
Well done! That's a great amount 😊 xxx
That is brilliant news I'm so glad it went well for you after all that worrying! Take it very easy next few days you will probably be a bit sore, drink loads of water too xxx
Great news!! We had our egg collection today and got 9 eggs! Considering my low amh, we are very happy fingers crossed for call tomorrow. Hope you get a good call too