My wee peanut is growing nicely ☺ - Fertility Network UK

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My wee peanut is growing nicely ☺

36 Replies

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Well got another scan today as was bleeding and getting clots so was worried but everything is going well last Fri had my 7 week scan and baby was 9 mm and today at 8 weeks baby is 15mm I thought I was 8 weeks 1 day they said I was 8 weeks 2 days ☺ I've just to keep an eye on the clots but am happy got to see its wee heart beat again most amazing thing ever 💖 pic isn't that great at all but thought I would share

36 Replies
Kat9lives profile image

Lovely news and nice to put your mind at rest. I'm 8wks 5 days today and have my second scan booked for Tuesday... it can't come quick enough! HAve you had many symptoms? I can't stop feeling nauseous... not that I'm complaining as it's a good sign. We're really close in dates...Keep in touch lovely. Xx

in reply to Kat9lives

Yeah they were lovely and told me if I am worried in any way I've to just phone them down and will get me booked in, awww bet u can't wait hun yeah definitely so close in dates ☺ awww ams the same feel sick alllllllll the time never been sick tho sometimes I wish I was as it's horrible only good thing about it is that it's all happening coz my baby but I really don't like it haha hope everything goes well with ur scan hun ☺💖 xxxx

Kat9lives profile image
Kat9lives in reply to

Yeah it's not pleasant but I'm strangely grateful for it too. Really tired too but it's all worth it and not many more weeks before (fingers crossed) we hit 2nd trimester... roll on 12wks!! 😊 Have you tried acupuncture and ginger tea for sickness? Xx

in reply to Kat9lives

Yeah only way am dealing with the horrible sickness is coz I no my wee peanut is causing it ☺ohhh that's so exciting and scary at same time 12 weeks can't wait to tell everyone ☺ have you told many people hun Ive had ginger nuts they were helping xxxxx

Madcatlady55 profile image
Madcatlady55 in reply to

My boss has filled the pantry with pukka three ginger tea! Lord knows why, she's only 5 weeks, talk about forward planning 😉

Kat9lives profile image
Kat9lives in reply to

Told just parents, siblings and best friend... 2nd scan tomorrow and saw midwife today. Fingers crossed!! Hope all's well with you xx

Bumpwanted profile image

That's fab Hun I know it's so hard with the bleeding but honestly I passed clots and blood and Harrison was always fine so your peanut will also be fine xx if worried get more scans! We paid a fortune for private scans so if they are that supportive then use it to keep you calm xx

in reply to Bumpwanted

Yeah I am so more calm now as growing nicely yeah a few people have said they paid for scans every other week I think I mite do that a few times just so see baby grow more xxxxx

Lovely so pleased everything is ok 💗💙

in reply to

Thank you hun 💖

misswinky34 profile image

👏👏 that's great 😍

in reply to misswinky34

Thank you 💖

baby2016 profile image

Aww this is lovely. I had been thinking about you. All looks like its going well 👏👏😄 xx

in reply to baby2016

Thank you yeah all going well so happy xxxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey Lynsey, little peanut sure is growing....that's amazing! Must be out of this world to see on scan! Glad everything is going ok!!x

in reply to Cinderella5

Than you so much hun means a lot was so amazing to see wee heart beat again my mum came this time which made it even more special xxxxxx

Olivia1980xxx profile image

I'm so happy Hun that everything is ok 😃😃 👶👶

in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Thank you hun xxxxxx

Kelly-03 profile image


So pleased for you, congratulations.

I've also got blocked tubes and had one removed due to ectopic and then the other tied. We are on our 5th cycle and I go in on Monday for my transfer. Also feeling nervous and excited just hope its our time too. So pleased for you xx 😀

in reply to Kelly-03

Awww thankyou means alot 😊soundslike you have been through alot hun ur so strong for carrying on hope you no that, so see after getting your tubes dealt with have u had another transfer or this your 1st one hun? I wish u all the luck in the world ur dreams come true xxxxxx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to


Thankyou and this one is my 4th go after our ectopic and my tube had to be removed and the other clipped. I haven't had the NK cell test and after reading your stories I worry that I haven't. I'm a worrier and just hope and pray on Monday when we have the transfer that it's the one that works for us and we have our miracle. When we go in Monday I'm going to ask a few questions and check all our test. I have asked about it before and always told that it's a way for some people to make money and to not read about it. I just so hope that it's our turn too and I'm so pleased for you.

Congratulations xx

in reply to Kelly-03

We definitely have been through the same hun so I feel for you well was my 4th try so praying it works for u this time ☺ they told me they don't no if it worked Coz tubes dealt with or coz on steroids after nk cell test or coz both yeah i am the same worry so much it's just Coz we long to be mums i wish you so much luck for today babe let me no how u get on and thank you xxxxxxx

Murph82 profile image

Yay? Great news! Peanut is growing well ❤️ Congratulations again lovely xxx

in reply to Murph82

Thank you xxxxxx

Big congratulations so happy for you x I too bled in my case very heavily and my baby arrived safetly x he's now 17 x I hope it settles down soon as I know how worrying it can be x

in reply to

Thank you hun 💖 aww really I do hear so many girls bleed but as u no when it happens u worry so much but honestly the now am being calm at the start I was such a state but till I blood pours out me and in the pain like no other am not going to think bad as not good for my wee peanut I do wish it would stop tho as that's over 3 weeks now hope ur doing well xxxxx

emzlou25 profile image

Oooh this is so beautiful lynsey,ive been waiting to see this from u,so happy for u after ur worrying with bleeding..this also gives me hope for my scan today after my bleed on saturday xx

in reply to emzlou25

I just want to see my wee peanut again ☺don't no if I can't wait another 3 4 weeks lol awww huni am sure u will just be fine as I've been bleeding nearly 4 weeks now i pray for u so much I say a prayer for all the girls on here everynight xxxxxx

MommaBear16 profile image

Glad to see everything is going well for you Lynsey :)

Sounds like your peanut is enjoying giving you some grief! I hope things settle for you soon x x x

in reply to MommaBear16

Thank you hun ☺ ohhhh yip definitely is its just nice to no its coz am pregnant it's happening but it is so horrible lol hope ur doing as well as can be xxxxxx

MommaBear16 profile image
MommaBear16 in reply to

Good and bad days. More bad than go but it's early days really. Feeling a little brighter after coming on here and catching up with everyone :) x x x

in reply to MommaBear16

U been speaking to anyone hun? I really just want to give u a massive big cuddle yeah it's so nice coming on here and speaking to girls going and been thrgh what you are xxxxx

MommaBear16 profile image
MommaBear16 in reply to

Aw thank you so much. I'm very lucky I have really supportive friends and family but I don't like to upset them talking about it so I thought I would come back here where people understand but won't get upset. It's helped massively, there are so many success stories out there x x x

in reply to MommaBear16

Yeah that's what am like either don't want to upset them coz I would get upset but then feel I annoy people if go on about it that's why I found this group last year and it's really helped me so much yeah there has been so many happy stories lately ☺ it's thanks to all them I carried on as felt like giving up so much xxxxx

MommaBear16 profile image
MommaBear16 in reply to

And now look at your peanut :) amazing x x x

in reply to MommaBear16

Ino I never ever thought I would get the congrats your pregnant I swear I still haven't took it in at all which I find weird xxxxxx

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