Driving myself insane.... Not coping ... - Fertility Network UK

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Driving myself insane.... Not coping well.

32 Replies

After all these hurdles and negatives I finally get a BFP and I am driving myself insane as I am 5w1d and feel not pregnant.  A few cramps moments here and there, backache and irritable not the signs I was hoping for.

My bloods are 3037 so assuming it's good but don't feel anything wake.  Scan not til 23 as will be 7 weeks.

Any idea how to cope with the wait. I am so scared that when we get to scan it will be nad news.

This is totally insane. 😂😂😂😂

32 Replies
Mooster1 profile image

I would say this is completely normal how you are feeing hun. I remember when I had my BFP even though I was estastic you can't stop thinking about the ifs, buts & the maybes etc etc. Unfortunately the waiting drives you crazy! I would like to say it gets better but every few weeks if another milestone lol 🙈......but I found just generally keeping busy helped. Meals out, cinema, spas, walks, reading.

Looking after yourself is the most important! 😃. All the best hun. X

in reply to Mooster1

Not sure if it's the no symptoms that's getting st me more☹️ Hurdle after hurdle after hurdle.

Prayers it's all in my bundle in November xx

Mooster1 profile image
Mooster1 in reply to

It seemed like that for me also hun it's like you want all the symptoms at once 😂 just to reassure yourself of the pregnancy. You will soon get them hun 😃. X

Aaah hon, the levels are great, it must be hard especially after it being such a journey to get to where you are. Look after yourself and your bean :) praying for you x

Scitzchick profile image

It sounds like your hcg is high, are they testing again 48hrs apart to see if it's doubled? I am waiting for my first scan next week and it feels as if the days are crawling by 🙁 I am trying to stay sane by focusing on what's going well, I.e I'm not bleeding, every test I've done has been a bfp and I have sore boobs! Sending positive sticky bean vibes x 

samrakkar profile image

Not long now babe 

Period type pains.cramps twinges are all normal... signs that your uterus etc is stretching

Back ache is normal too I had it all 

Great levels again at least that's reassurance that your pregnancy is progressing and with those levels a sac will be present now 

Don't worry into symptoms stay positive. 


Tlove profile image

In about 2-3 weeks the symptoms will hit you and then you'll know all about it! I was pretty similar, no real symptoms apart from cramping and then it all hit at about 7-8 weeks. The tiredness and nausea you get then is something else. Some women never get symptoms and each pregnancy is different. So don't worry about lack of symptoms now, your bloods look good and you don't have long to wait for the scan. It's difficult to relax during pregnancy, you go from milestone to milestone and it gets a little a easier as you progress but irrational thoughts do seem to creep in along the way. Stay busy and take care of yourself. x

in reply to Tlove

Thanks... I just feel I need to prepare myself this feeling has kicked in and I am doubting that this BFP was a cruel joke.  

If it's symptoms I am lacking nothing has changed, my mind is just shutting down and I am fed up to the point of just being fed up.

I was used to the BFN's and now I git a BFP it's being covers by all the other stuff that should be happening but not and I have to say fear has kicked in.

Anywho we will soon find out.

Hope everyone else is ok xxx

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to

I guess you have to start telling yourself that everything is pointing towards a successful pregnancy right now. Your bloods, your bfp- at this moment in time you are certainly pregnant and no reason to think otherwise. You don't have spotting or bleeding so this should be reassuring as well. I think Mooster has good advice on what to do to keep your mind off it. Treat yourself to something like a facial or a shopping trip, whatever relaxes you. Go for walks with your OH and talk about things.

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to Tlove

Also if you're finding it really tough then think about counselling. It really helped me through the early days of IVF.

Bunty83 profile image

I remember sitting at work at 6 weeks thinking ooh I feel a bit sick, woo hoo! It was so lovely to get a sign the baby was there. Then I felt awful til week 13 :) I still loved it when I woke up and thought yep still sick. Fingers crossed you get some reassurance soon xx 

Kernishp profile image

Your HCG levels are higher than mine were with twins- just sayin' .......😜


Probably just having a down day need to get a grip.  Roll on next week 😬

JasmineO profile image

Hi Tamtam1, I have been following your progress and had everything crossed (and even said prayers for you) during this cycle! Kudos!! I totally understand what you mean. I spotted when I was about 6 weeks pregnant with my son and I learned the power of positive thinking and speaking. As soon as negative thoughts and fear crept in, I immediately began to speak to my body and speak to my bun positively. The fear nearly drove me and DH insane!

Also I have heard that people carrying multiples sometimes have symptoms from the end of the 1st trimester!! Lol... Start speaking to your bun(s)!!

in reply to JasmineO

Oooo I have been everyday since transfer 😬 Had a stern chat this morning feel bad now as I was a little stern 🙈

Gonna have to make up for it.

Was having a down day scan booked for 23rd

Thanks for the reply xxxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to

Hi Tamtam1.  Glad you've had a stern chat with yourself.  Lots of my ladies fail to have any symptoms of pregnancy early on, so no worries there.  Maybe you're destined for a few weeks of morning sickness, so don't think you've got away with it.  Not long to wait until your scan and you get to see your little "bean" - how exciting is that - then on to the midwife - yaaay!  Diane

in reply to DianeArnold

Hi Diane

It's just terrible the highs and lows of this journey however we are back on track....

Will update after scan hopefully I will see them or he or her 🙏🏽

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to

You will indeed - and how fab will that be?  Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing.  Diane

Newmrsb profile image

I know how you feel, but you need to try and get your head around this. The more you stress the more likelihood of a negative outcome so you need to put it out of your mind and focus on other things. Try hypnosis, or meditation or shopping or anything that helps distract you. Big hugs and congratulations - you are pregnant!! What helped me was just being in the moment and being grateful I was pregnant today. Not thinking about the future at all. If any thoughts crept in (which they do, all the time) I would dismiss them and think, I am pregnant today and be happy. 

Sad_panda profile image

I know how you feel and I'm 12w5d having had two scans! My "12 week" scan is on Monday and I feel like I'm going mad. 

behappy1 profile image

No symptoms doesn't mean a thing. I've had several miscarriages and finally had my miracle baby last year. I never had any symptoms in any of my pregnancies. My boobs didn't even expand until after I'd given birth. At 3000+ hcg you should by now have a visible sac so you could have an early scan. That might however not show a heart beat yet. That's why it's best to wait to til 7wks. Very best of luck x

Jaky76 profile image

Hi My Dear, I totally get it and I am in same position. I'm 5w2d and my scan on 27th when they say i'm exactly 7 weeks...still 12 days to wait and see all ok and just want to fast forward 12 days...but instead got to try and chill where I can and as everyone says be positive...the journey has been rough to this point and then we still cant relax now. It will all be worth it...sending lots of love xx

in reply to Jaky76

Hey honey you are exactly the same as me however my scan is next week will be 6w + 2d if I had to wait another week think I will go mental so I am having it next week which clinic said should be ok.

Keep in touch xxx

Jaky76 profile image
Jaky76 in reply to

Good luck...wait to hear how it goes...xxx

Kelly-03 profile image

Hi, I feel the same I'm at 7weeks and 2days and we have our scan on Monday and really excited about the scan but just worried because haven't I felt different and I want to. We so want it to be our time xx 

in reply to Kelly-03

Hi Kelly-03, I'm also 7week and 2days! My symptoms don't seem to be consistent apart from the boobs which are now coming out of my bra lol nausea comes and goes and so does tiredness- I also thought all the symptoms would hit me like the smell but they haven't really, I had a scan last week and got one next week aswell! Just have to remind ourselves every woman and pregnancies are different! All the best for Monday xx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to


Thankyou and what happened at your scan and how come you are going back again? If you don't want to say I Understand. Good luck with everything and yes we are all different I am just a worrier and excited and want it to be our time 😀 Hope it's yours too X 

in reply to Kelly-03

The early scan was just a check up just cus of fertility treatment id recieved which was chlomid , baby was fine with good heartbeat but they found a haematoma next to the placenta which can be from the implantation, going back to to check its shrinked and isn't affecting the placenta! Can't wait to see the little heartbeat again! So magical! Xxx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to

Congratulations 😀 That is what I so Hope to see it really is. It's something I have wanted for so long . Good luck and Thankyou xx 

in reply to Kelly-03

All the best for all three of you Hun! Keep me updated! We can be November 30th buddies! Lol xxx

Kelly-03 profile image
Kelly-03 in reply to

Omg that would be amazing 😀 Keep me updated on you 3 aswell and good luck with everything X 

poshlady84 profile image

Insane but totally normal! I didn't get any symptoms at all till around 9 weeks then they all came flooding in!! Had a scan at 7 weeks and it just felt weird knowing that it had worked and after all the trying we were finally on our way to being parents. I would like to say that you will relax the further the pregnancy goes on but I am now 33 weeks (well tomorrow) and i still cant properly relax about it all and every so often it hits me I am having a baby -lol So I would say dont worry not everyone gets symptoms every body is different and just try to relax and enjoy xxx good luck for your scan.

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