i have been told a petition already exists for ivf treatment can you all please sign this one instead it is already live with 81 signatures and share please! please copy and paste this link into your browser should come up!
petition update!: i have been told a... - Fertility Network UK
petition update!

Signed and shared x
Signed xx
Signed xxx
Liz I am so sorry if it is my petition but please feel free to message me Hun as 100,000 signatures is a daunting prospect and I would be so very grateful for any help to achieve this and get the support from us all to get this heartbreaking matter to parliament. Hope to speak soon xxxx
Hi Honey,
God i am so passionate about this cause, reaching 100,000 signatures is definitely daunting everyone should share this petition to everyone they know and try to raise as much support and awareness as possible! I will get my thinking cap on and def share as much as possible! It should be all over facebook and other social media so people know about it and have option to sign it well done you for doinng something i have tried to get as many as i can and will keep trying!!!
my bf hasn't signed it yet so going to do it now so thats another lol !!
Signed and shared on Facebook 😊 x
Thank you sweetie xxxxxxxxxx
Signed. Have you thought about putting this on Change.org ? They might have wider reach. Can then be distributed on their network. x
Also there is another forum like this one- Fertility, miscarriage and IVF Support by MamaBe.
Are you a member? x
No love but if you are you could possibly share this petition for us? xxxxxx
Signed! I'm very lucky to be in scotland where IVF funding is good but I have a friend in England that had no funding at all which is disgusting really!! Good luck to everyone in their journey!!x
Hi I am also new to Ivf and am just wondering where you can find if you are entitled to Ivf depending where you live? I am in the Southend catchment. Thank you
Hi I have just googled it for you and i believe you are entitled to 2 round presuming neither you or your partner dont already have children and that you are under 40 but it is worth double checking my info once you get to your appointment good luck xxx
Thank you for replying my appointment is in March so getting nervous now. I have tried to share the petition on Facebook but am unable is there anyone on Facebook that I am just share the link? Xxx