Hi is there anyone who got there ivf on the nhs at the gri and know how many cycles you get with them?
Ivf on the nhs: Hi is there anyone who... - Fertility Network UK
Ivf on the nhs

Hi, you get 2 cycles of treatment at gri.
I only get one in Reading!
On the nice.org website you will be able to find out how many cycles you get. Unfortunately it's a bit of a postcode lottery which is a term you will hear a lot!
Hi Emma I clicked your link but can't seem to find that bit that tells me?x
This is the link that I saved fertilityfairness.co.uk/wp-... try looking for your area of the U.K. If this isn't it on the fertility fairness website. Hope that helps x
Im having mine in cardiff and we get 2 cycles. Hopefully you will be lucky enough to have the same. Good luck xx
You get two cycles. But, one cycle counts as transfer of your embryo plus any frozen embryos (if your fresh transfer is unsuccessful).
I was supposed to be treated at GRI but ended up at Ninewells as (at the time) their waiting list was shorter so we were given the option.
Good luck! x
Where abouts do you stay?as I know ninewells is in Dundee my niece was actually born in that hospital,trying to stay positive and praying it works first time but am realistic at same time.so nervous.xx
I live in Glasgow so we did have to travel for treatment in Dundee but my hubby and I both drive so it wasn't too bad!
Have you had your initial appointment and tests at the GRI or are you still waiting after being referred?
Everyone story is different but, after the GP referred us to the GRI we went to the GCRM ( a private clinic near Braehead for our tests). This was mainly to give me peace of mind as we didn't know what the problem was. It meant once I had my initial appointment at the GRI I didn't need to have any tests done there and could move straight to the IVF waiting list. At this point we were offered GRI (9-12 month wait), Edinburgh (6 month wait) or Dundee (3 month wait). I think it was just luck that Dundee happened to be quiet!
I felt the same as you about it working. It can be difficult to believe it's going to happen but I tried to stay positive and prayed it would work first time and unbelievably it did!
Good luck 🍀
That's reassuring and am gonna do anything and everything to give myself the best possible chance,am still waiting for my screening appointment they said once I reach top of list they will send me an appointment I've been waiting about 6months already,yeah the gcrm was gonna be a possibility at one point but would take a while to save so am glad after my hycosy that the doctor recommended I get reffered for the ivf,but am also all worried about getting funding ,I had in my head because we are on waiting list it was defo a go because of my age and problem etc.i hope am as lucky as you they didn't give me other hospital options but I have a holiday in Feb to look forward to then when back hopefully it won't be long.that was good it worked first time for you,if you don't mind me asking what fertility problems did you have?and what age as that's another worry am 32 and I keep thinking I will have less chance with the age factor aswell .happy nine months 😊Xx
We had unexplained fertility. They couldn't find a problem which was frustrating as after 2.5 yrs of ttc you feel there must be something wrong!
I'm 33 and will be 34 once the baby arrives so I think you still have time on your side. Are your AMH levels good?
My hubby and I agreed a timescale we were prepared to wait for NHS treatment and agreed if it took any longer we would go privately. But, I think if you've waited 6 months it shouldn't be long now!
I'm sure you must meet the criteria for funding if you're on the waiting list. I got a one page leaflet setting out the criteria on the post. If you've not had this give the GRI a call and ask for a copy.
Enjoy your holiday in Feb! We had a week away before starting our round and it really helped me to relax before starting treatment and I also went for acupuncture.
Take care x
My amh wasn't good when I had it done last year as contemplated doing the egg donor it came back 5.5 which I think was low as to be egg donor you needed 14 or more but not sure what it all ment.i think the letter I got from the gri had the meet criteria on it but I still worry.yeah looking forward to it although I don't know how much I will relax its a Kenya safari was booked a year ago but someone I will prob only do once in my life.thanks for all your advice it's really helped,I also have my first acupuncture booked for next week xx
I've been on a safari before. It's amazing! I really hope you manage to enjoy it!
We had (what everyone else would consider) a holiday of a lifetime last year but the whole time I felt I would rather be home with my baby than travelling across the world!
I hope you enjoy the acupuncture x
Aw have you?i can't wait but at same time I feel same as yourself.i have a wee fur baby aswell that am gonna hate leaving. Can I ask a safari question with regards to suitcase been told not to take the normal type but have no idea where to get the one there saying and struggling with what clothes. Thanks am looking forward to the acupuncture esp with all the hype about it .x
I just took a normal suitcase - lol! But you could try Tiso (one on Buchanan St) or other outdoor shops if you prefer a backpack.
P.s. It can also get pretty windy in those open jeeps so, even if the forecast is really warm, I would take a hoody and do t sit in the front!
As long as you're under 40 you get 2 cycles. Unlucky for me I waited 2years and four months on the GRI waiting list (incompetence due to them not passing on records) so I was 37 when I went on the list, got my first NHS ICSI cycle aged 39 and then told due to me turning 40 soon they wouldn't fit in a second funded cycle.
I did complain but decided my best option was to switch to a private clinic for my FET. We did get 4 frosties from our NHS cycle so I transferred them to GCRM. Now I'm 8 weeks pregnant If I'd stayed at GRI I would have had to wait until Jan to get my FET (although still funded as part of the first and only NHS cycle). But having looked at their stats for my age I had lost patience and hope with them.
So glad I switched. I know GRI are improving their waiting times now, so worth getting at least one funded go, but just be aware there are other options out there.
Best wishes, and hope you haven't got long to wait now,
Littleone- You are entitled to 2 cycles including FET anywhere in Scotland although the Scottish Gov are still considering offering up to 3, no decision has been made. I had 2 cycles at the GRI and although we had too few embryos each time to freeze any, we were extremely lucky that the second cycle was a success and I am now 20 weeks pregnant.
The waiting list was just over 12 months for us, but there ended up being nearly a year between cycles because of other health issues. The waiting list times at the GRI vary depending on what health board area you live in i.e. Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire or Ayrshire and Arran. Phone the ACS reception and ask how long the list is currently for your area to get a better idea. Good luck xx
Thank you! Yes it could be sooner than you think. The waiting lists were really long when we were put on them, about 24 months, but then they got them down a lot thanks to offering people the chance to go to Edinburgh or Dundee for treatment. I got back from a holiday in 2014 to find we were at the top after just a year in 2014. It was good news but I freaked out because I had just recovered from a big operation and then was drinking on the holiday so I felt totally unprepared to reach the top so soon! xx
That is good well I've been on the list 6months already and after speaking to someone else that's attending there she was told 9-12months and just got her letter to say at top and appointment after 7 so hoping am as lucky,did you change diet or do anything different like reflexology or acupuncture?heard a lot of good things about that.xx
I did acupuncture, ate more protein, leafy green vegetables, nuts and oils etc. I also took Zita West supplements and listened to self hypnosis MP3s. The thing I think might have made the difference though was being on steroids because I have immune issues and didn't get this the first time round. If you don't get a positive result the first time definitely ask to see one of the doctors in between cycles to review what could have gone wrong and your protocol. Dr Medina is very good. She listens and understands. xx