Post 9 day negative and still no peri... - Fertility Network UK

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Post 9 day negative and still no period....

19 Replies

Hi all

I am post 9 days negative and a few tests after and still no signs of period. I bled for 2 days 9 days into my et but wasn't a normal period.

Been told that I should have my period by now all tests are negative no signs of anything else.

Has anyone had this and when my period does come is it gonna be a hard one?



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19 Replies
pm27 profile image

Hi Tam,

Sorry to hear the test was negative.

I can't answer your question about when your period will come. Mine came 4 days after the first negative test. It was heavier than normal, guess because there was more to come out, and I had spotting for over a week after that. The nurse at the clinic said this was normal.

What has your clinic or GP said?

in reply to pm27

Hey pm 27

Don't have consultation till Thursday but not very much tbh may have to go for bloods and scan to rule out.

Thanks for your answer xx

pm27 profile image
pm27 in reply to

The nurse at my clinic said that without my period they would consider me to be pregnant, so it could be OK for you.

Fingers crossed and I hope the consultation is helpful, perhaps write down any questions you want answered.

Good luck!

pm27 profile image

Hi Tam,

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Thank you pm27

I did have a scan on monday and unfortunately there is.nothing to report. Still no signs of period said everything looks ok.

Thank you for thinking of me.

How are you getting on?

Much hugs

Tam xxx

pm27 profile image

Hi Tam,

I'm OK but am worried about my hubbie. He's so stressed, not just with the infertility problems but with work and his dad died part way through our treatment. We've got a counselling appointment on Monday and I've suggested he goes out to do his favourite hobby on Sunday. So hopefully they will help.

Have they said to just wait for your period?

Hey my Love

Am so so sorry to hear about hubby and all the stress nothing is ever easy and with all that's has gone in and is going on sometimes it is a little too much to bare.

We are going through a similar thing however with thst said take a breath, stop, and look at what strength you have that has got you this far. When all the chips are down love each other talk often share the highs and lows.

Good Idea to let him go an do what he loves as a hobby he probably needs a moment to just breathe and grieve. Sometimes guys feel they have to always be strongest not true he probably needs a good old fashioned cry....

In terms of my period yes just the waiting game got consult tomoz so will update you then.

I pray things will become easier for you both and each step.of each day sheds new light and hope.

Massive hugs xxxx

pm27 profile image
pm27 in reply to

Hi Tam,


Hubby had a good time yesterday, I stayed at home and watched reruns of a Escape to the Country.

We had a counselling session this morning, it helped me to tell someone from outside our family/friends the story to this point. Hubby didn't say much, which I thought is what would happen, but he did cry. I don't think we'll go back until our next cycle as we get another 'free' session. I'll access counselling for myself and keep talking with hubby.

Hope you doing OK.

in reply to pm27

Hi my love

I am glad to hear that it went ok, they say it's good to talk with an outside element as it takes a different spin.

Only in time will things get better one day a time one step.a time.

Like u say keep talking with hubby and try to enjoy this break before you. Know it you maybe starting all.over again so ensure to prepare mind body and soul.

I am been advised to have icsi next time be positive but it's scary cos.of the failed attempt.

Waiting on my period still should come soon as have to have 2 clear cycles before we can start again.

Gonna enjoy this xmas and pay next year we will be enjoyed. With a bump :)

Here anytime for you

Take care

Tam xxxxx

pm27 profile image
pm27 in reply to

Hi Tam,

Thanks for your reply. It's hard after failed treatment, we found out 5 weeks ago that our first round had failed. I can now think about trying again, perhaps January if I'm feeling physically and emotionally well. I'm also starting to look forward to Christmas and going to a pantomime on Saturday.

I hope your next go is successful. We had to have ICSI from the start.

in reply to pm27

That's fab news to hear you are gearing up....its not an easy road but together you can get there.

Enjoy the pantomime.

Here if you ever need to just vent xxx

pumpkin1 profile image

I'm day 36. My cycle is normally 29-32. Had my last ivf cycle in June. My periods have been fine until now. I've been having period pains for over a week and sore boobs. My moods are horrible. So short tempered. No point doing tests because I've been told no way to getting pregnant naturally. I'm fed up now feeling rubbish and so bloated. :-(

in reply to pumpkin1


Awww have you done a test? I was told no way natural pregnancy and got 3 times just wasn't meant to be.

Could be the answer to your mood swings and stuff unless your cycle is on route.

I would do a test. To be sure

Fingers crossed for ya


pumpkin1 profile image
pumpkin1 in reply to

Hi tamtam1. I know i should do a test but when all you've had is negative tests its very hard to bring yourself to do it. Maybe do one at the weekend. Thank you xx

in reply to pumpkin1

Hi pumpkin1..

Totally understand why you're against testing it's heartbreaking when you see negative result.. My rule is unless I'm a week or so late I won't do a test.. As my cycle is very regular and never late..

That said just coz the doctors said you can't fall dosent mean they're right.. My mums friend had two blocked tubes and she had several rounds of ivf (this was 25 years ago things have come a long way since then) anyway she made the heartbreaking choice to give up.. And pursed a career that involved working with children as did her husband as luck had it she fell pregnant twice and had two handsome sons.. My point is sometimes nature can find a way..

I wanna wish you good luck with your pregnancy test I hope you get a BFP X

in reply to pumpkin1


Totally get how horrible it is to constantly get a negative every time pulls more and more. I am borderline doing another myself as still waiting for period after a failed attempt been a whole month almost and nothing but yet they are still negative.

Don't give up miracles can happen please believe that.

Wish you.all.the luck

Xxx tamtam1

in reply to

Hi tamtam1

Sorry to hear your attempt wasn't successful..

A month is a very long time to go without a period.. I would def call your clinic and see what they recommend to do.. Awful for you.. You just want closure..

Good luck I really hope it all goes well

Jess X

pumpkin1 profile image

Thank you tamtam1 and jess1989. I'm not sure how late I am really. Compared to last month I'm not 8 days late but I've I'm having a 32 day cycle I'm 5 days late. Grrrr! I think we will do a test at the weekend to rule it out. It would be an amazing Christmas present for us but I'm not holding my breath. This happened last year after a failed ivf cycle but it was only 3 months afterwards. My periods have been fine and regular this time until now. I guess it's wait until the weekend then see what happens. I wish I would stop getting period pains now, been over a week now, and that my breast would stop being so painful. X

You're very welcome lovely :) Another cruel part of this vile illness early pregnancy symptoms and Pms =identical..

I've got my fingers crossed you and I hope you get a BFP best Xmas present ever :) Good luck X let be Know how it goes thinking of you X

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