Feeling ok now considering I was in a lot of pain day some ppl say it's embryo implantation , it was like period pains strong in the lower tummy. But now it's calmed down. So scared actually petrified infact for WED 22nd test day . Should I be feeling anything diff by now ?
Day 11 post transfer: Feeling ok now... - Fertility Network UK
Day 11 post transfer

Hi belle hang on there, cramping is normal. I have also had cramping but unfortunately I am also spotting now so pretty sure I'm out and yet another BFN.
I didn't have any spotting during my last cycle and got a BFP but didn't last long as a low HCG reading then eventual chem pregnancy and AF.
So the fact that you are not bleeding his really good. What day transfer did you have, are you tempted to test early?
Hi thanks for your reassuring reply. I had a 3 day trans. So not sure if it was long enough. Because I only have one good egg out of 5 they wanted to put it back straightaway? It was 4 cell and grade a+ . Dreading it to be honest . Not testing early I can't deal with it I'll wait . I hope everything works out for you. What day u on?? Xxx
Belle, I had a 2 day transfer for that reason and I'm pregnant so stay positive! xxx
Wow actually thinking about it they took my eggs on Monday and one was put back on the Wednesday so maybe that is two days? Oh god can't wait we'll I can ........ Arhhhh so indecisive lol, congratulations to you and wish you all the very best for the future thank U for your reply.
My EC was friday then transfer Sunday they called that 2 days, I was paranoid like you it was too early and it wouldnt work but I'm proof it does and looking at the success rates its ok too. I gave in and tested the day before I was prepping for the worst lol. Good luck Wednesday not long now keep us posted xx
Hang on in there belle. Not long now! I didn't have as many days of period pains and stabs as you and look what happened! I was worried the second week because I didn't feel anything, just tired! You've just got to try and stay chilled and calm, tough I know.
I'm still a bit panicky even now, just because I've never been pregnant before and keep thinking should I be feeling more different and keep worrying I'm not getting the right dosage of progesterone (Because the darn things leak out!) Or oestrogen cos the patches keep coming away, they're meant to last 3 days, but only last me two sometimes one day! Expensive too!
keep yr chin up. You've done pretty much two weeks, everything crossed for you. X
Hi thank you Hope23 you're absolutely right have almost completed two weeks, longest two weeks of my life I must say. yeah the last five days I have not really feeling much going on just now and then really dull aching P pains but not very often maybe 3-4 times a day and today. Have been feeling very very tired though on the side at least nine hours sleep every night, A bit thoughtful yesterday and today and I think I'm going to be even more thoughtful tomorrow. I'll keep you updated thanks for your reply hope you're doing well take it easy you must be so ecstatic I can't imagine. Xxx
Wish you best of luck for Wednesday Belle - 7, I am really hoping to hear some good news from you. I will probably be as nervous as you by the end of this week as the time will approach for my test ;/ xxx
Hi thank you very much for the luck I think I'm going to need it. I'm feeling well nervous I think it's absolutely normal tho, maybe you will too. good look for you and I hope you're taking it easy. Xxxxxx
try and hang in there I know its hard.. I didn't feel much but did feel some "my period is coming" like sensations.. all that is normal they said, it can be your uterus changing for pregnancy.. also there is all the activity of your ovaries from the stimulation going on and that takes a while to calm down.. not long now... let us know