I had my 5 day blastocysts transferred yesterday and today I have some light red bleeding. Could this be implantation or is it too soon?
Too soon for implantation bleeding? - Fertility Network UK
Too soon for implantation bleeding?

Hi maccerpops, I've been looking at dr google too and the implantation happens between day 1-4 after transfer for a 5d blastocyst. Hopefully it's them implanting! Good luck I'm at the same point as you. I've had no bleeding so far but lots of mild cramps so I'm hoping that's a good thing too x
Thanks, there's no way of knowing so I'm just going to think positive!!
It's difficult isn't it not to analyse ever little thing but yes positivity is it !
I've been shattered too but it's probably as I'm wfh at moment. I do feel less 'sensitive' down there today so heading back into office tomorrow. How have you been physically feeling?
Still feeling rough but improving rapidly. My doc says I absolutely need to bed rest until the end of the weekend due to the OHSS. Work are being fab and are happy for me to WFH for another two weeks which is awesome.
That's great ! My work have been good too thank god. I've just read that implantation bleeding happens in 30% of women and is either light pink, light red or light brown. So if your is light red that's good !!! it also says cramping is another symptom. Hurrah positiveness for us ! My test is due on April 7th what about you? Can we test earlier do you think as mine falls on a busy Monday at work so was thinking of doing a CB the day before. What do you think?
I have been told to test on April 8th (day 14, with transfer day being day 1) but we will hold off until the 10th as husband is away with work..
Good luck to you both ladies x
Thanks x
Thanks Lhow81
How you feeling today maccerpops? I went back to work today and it helped with passing the time but it still felt weird being 'out of the bubble' of all this. Today I feel like I have less symptoms as the mild cramping seems to have subsided but I do feel a bit heavier in my pelvis - hoping it's not just wind !!! X