Hi, sorry for the long message.. just looking for re-assurance and people who understand what it feels like.
I just had my first fresh embryo transfer 3 days ago (13th of November). It is my first one, and I was super calm the entire month and a half of injections and then suddenly yesterday I panicked. Being convinced I am getting my period. The progesterone is making me severely constipated, flaring up my bowel endometriosis and also other symptoms.. I swapped to putting it in vaginally now which made a difference. It seems to have calmed now and I am just crampy instead. I worry this will impact implementation. I also worry as I had an involuntary orgasm in my sleep last night which woke me up and that it will impact as well. I am sleeping pretty badly, super vivid dreams and I think generally worried. Can anyone tell me if the above is normal? I am just so worried!
quick background: I have stage 4 deep infiltrated endometriosis, with bowel involvement and large endometriomas (7cm) on my ovaries. We finally got approved for one round of IVF on the NHS (annoying postcode lottery!). I only know about my diagnosis since November 22 after suddenly having dibilitating pain in the summer of 22 with my bowels. (I don’t have the standard endometriosis symptoms). Less then 7 months ago my mum passed away after a horrible and traumatic deathbed and sickness progess of 14 months. I miss her lots during my IVF treatment and off course I am still grieving. I don’t know how to deal with this if IVF doesn’t work.. will it be grieve on top of grieve?
Thanks for the listening!