Hello everyone ,
I am asking for your kind help , i did FET on 22 April , transferred 2 embryos 1 took , betas were looking great and my progesterone levels were good .. i went to my first ultrasound where i thought i was 7 weeks 3 days the us showed the baby 6 weeks 4 days and the heartbeat was intermittent like flickering but she did not measure it i was so nervous and my heart was pounding so she had trouble locating heartbeat i saw a flicker on screen but it was not continuous . The RE only told me everything is good we have a heartbeat but we don't like to measure at this point since we don’t want to press on the baby. But i am worried sick .. first my baby is a week behind and the heartbeat was not strong or continuous he wants me back on Tuesday to follow up but he wouldn't give me any answers and i know things are not going great i just don't like he is not telling me anything
Can anyone share their experiences ? Anyone had ivf with this situation ? I would like to hear positive / negative stories since i already prepared myself for the worst
Thank you all