Hi all, does anyone have any positive stories of falling pregnant after having a negative on a pgt normal embryo transfer? Feeling very despondent, though I do have to pgt normal frosties remaining
Positive stories after an initial pgt... - Fertility, Miscar...
Positive stories after an initial pgt a fet fail please
Hi hun. I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, I have no word of wisdom or personal experience for you on the point. Moreover, I hope you've already got the answers. Just wanted to support you and probably share another story for you to know you aren't alone in all this. A friend of mine was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve at 30. They did 6 iuis. The first was successful but ended in miscarriage at 11 weeks. Then they went straight to ivf using donor eggs in Ukraine. She's almost 8 weeks pregnant with twins now! She told me using donor eggs was an easy decision for them. They paid 100% out of pocket and knew they could only afford to do two full cycle. An egg donor gave them the best chance of pregnancy. And getting enough embryos to freeze so they could have more children without the expense of more retrievals. So they've got 7 embryos waiting for them when they are ready again. Als she said, she knew they wouldn't have got as many embryos if they were to use her own eggs. She was also worried about egg quality and recurrent miscarriage with her own eggs. She viewed donor eggs as a good chance. I believe whatever our paths are, we all are looking for the possibility of growing our families.