Has anyone had a long period after a hysteroscopy. First period after and still spotting 6 days after period finished. Is this normal thanks
Period after hysteroscopy : Has anyone... - Fertility, Miscar...
Period after hysteroscopy

Hello ! I had a hysteroscopy last week on Thursday, ovulation suppose to be just a day before but I haven’t ovulate. I had a bleed after operation for almost 5 days . Not heavy bleeding. I was even thinking and worried was period bleeding.
I had 2 polyps removed . I know after your bleeding is heavier.
How long have you bleed after operation?
I only spotted for 5 days. Then stopped. Then had my period which I thought was 2 days late pregnancy test negative. I have been spotting once my period ended 1!week ago and now have started bleeding again. Not got a clue what’s happening
I had some bleed for few days but not sure was from operation or period. Did you have anything removed or they only checked ? I had 2 polyps removed .
Just wait and see what ‘s going to happen. This is I am doing now . Yesterday had again a bit of spotting, I thaught is my period coming but nothing yet.
Maybe it does take time for the body to come back to normal.
I am Monitoring ovulation now .
Yes I found my periods went a bit wonky for a month or too but resolved themselves over time x

Thanks Daisy ! Good to know! I am a bit worried. Xxx