2 embryo transfers or just 1? - Fertility, Miscar...

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2 embryo transfers or just 1?

Depooch profile image
12 Replies

Hello Everyone,

I've been reading everyone's post and finally got enough courage to ask my own question. I have 6 fertilized and mature embryos that will be sent for PGS testing this week and will most likely do my FET in November. However, I really want to transfer 2 embryos to see if both take and only have 1 pregnancy. My doctor says he only wants to transfer 1 to avoid any risk and that if I want to transfer 2, I would take on the risk of multiple births and any other risks associated with that. Knowing that I still want to transfer 2. I am 38 with no previous pregnancies. What are your thoughts? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

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12 Replies

Hi, I think there are a different schools of thought on this. It depends a little on your age but also on the embryo quality. There are some people that think putting a poor quality embryo and a good quality embryo back reduces your chances as the poor quality one impacts the good quality one. However I am older and I have always had at least a double and sometimes a triple transfer, I have managed a BFP once but sadly MC - it was a singleton pregnancy from a triple transfer.

There is another forum on Healthunlocked called Fertility network which is a lot busier and may have a few more people with thoughts on there too. Good luck x

Depooch profile image
Depooch in reply to

Thank you for the feedback and the forum suggestion. I really appreciate your insight. Hope you get another BFP soon. Good Luck!

Hi Depooch,

I did my first transfer with one embryo as the doctors advised me the same as they did to you. I listened to them and I have a BFP but ended in miscarriage.

My second transfer I refused to listen to them even though again they tried there best to advice me to do just one. I did two embryo transfers and I got a BFP and currently pregnant with one healthy baby.

Personally I believe two is better then one. I know doctors say it doesn’t increase the chances but in my heart I always believed two is something I wanted to do. Even if I was pregnant with twins I would have been very happy .

At the end of the day it is your decision do what your heart tells you.

I hope this helps! 💛

Depooch profile image
Depooch in reply to fertilitystruggle

Thank you for your response. What you did the 2nd time around is exactly how I feel and am leaning towards 2 embryo transfers. Glad to hear you're pregnant, super exciting.

fertilitystruggle profile image
fertilitystruggle in reply to Depooch

Personally I would say do what your heart desires.

I went against my husband and the doctors and I just new something inside me told me to do two embryos.

Do what you think is right because if you don’t and things don’t work out you will blame your self xx

Depooch profile image
Depooch in reply to fertilitystruggle

I completely agree with you. My husband wants me to listen to the Dr. As well, I just have that feeling inside me too. Thank you again!

fertilitystruggle profile image
fertilitystruggle in reply to Depooch

My husband was the same. I just told him this time I am only listening to what my heart wants and he agreed. Personally I think my husband was just afraid of having twins lol. But it all worked out and it will for you too💛

nwdebond profile image

It’s really hard to know what to do for the best. I think it depends a lot on the quality of the embryos. On our previous cycles we always had two put back and although got pregnant they ended in miscarriages. But it was the advice of the doctors to gave two put back. However on the last cycle they advised only one, we went with it and our daughter is now 14 months old. But I do agree that you should listen to your heart/gut too. Hope it works for you whatever you decide 💗

Karinyaa profile image

Hi hun. This is what I'd say on the point. We're currently parenting our DE IVF dear son. When it became clear own egg was not going to work out ever, we moved this plan B overseas. It took us 3 shots to finally conceive and hold the pregnancy. #1 - failure. #2 - early mc. #3 - bfp. All three times the clinic placed back 2 absolutely beautiful AA grade 5day blasts. Whilst shot#3 one of them vanished.

I'm sure the number of embies placed is very individual. You have to trust your dr. (In my case I just think placing back 2 boosted my chances).

Hope my message helps.

CAS2 profile image

Hello. We transferred 2 and had a twin pregnancy but had problems with one twin and subsequently lost her, to ensure our healthy twin could survive. It wasn't an easy pregnancy at all. Having said that the clinic I'm with still think I should transfer 2 if I have a FET due to my age etc and if it means increasing the chances, and, I probably will despite what we went through.

Also, if there is a possibility of having twins, how do you feel about that? I would have loved twins but it wasn't meant to be :-(

I think you just have to be realistic and make the right decision for yourself, knowing there are risks with 2.

Good luck with your decision and fingers crossed it works x

Depooch profile image
Depooch in reply to CAS2

Sorry to hear about your loss... but yes im ready for twins, just scared to lose one or have an unhealthy baby. Thanks for the feedback.

Depooch profile image

Update: I still want to transfer 2, but recently found out we only have 3 quality embryos. Not sure if the risk is high of losing both and then we are stuck with only 1. Any thoughts?

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