Hiya! ☺️ Hope your all doing great. So i had my natural cycle frozen embryo transfer last Saturday on Feb 8th so I am 4 days post transfer now.
On days one and 2 after the transfer I had the smallest amount of brown ish coloured blood/discharge. I didn’t have to use a pad it was only when I wiped and I haven’t had that since. Also 1DPT and 2DPT I also had cramping on my left side, then my right side and then all over and that was throughout each of those days. When I woke up in bed the day after my transfer my right side felt tender is the only way I can describe it and that was the side I had woke up laying on. I don’t usually get that but that could be to do with having the actual transfer.
3DPT and today has brought cramps each morning after waking up but I don’t get any cramps throughout the day really which is a bit strange only in the mornings. It seems I feel more hungry in the evening too just before bed but I’m not sure that can even happen 2DPT and 3DPT. That’s probably me being greedy lol.
I am trying to stay positive and I can’t test until Feb 19th. The time seems to be dragging a little but I just need to be patient ❤️
I hope everyone is doing great and anyone is welcome to message me if you need someone to talk to especially if their also in their 2WW.x