Hi all I went to Doctors today they said iam having a eptopic pregnancy they sent me to hospital and they refused me so iam going back in a couple of days , it also said that gynaecology have said I’ve got endo but I’ve never being told , are they meant to tell me as well?
Hi all I went to Doctors today... - Fertility, Miscar...
Hi all I went to Doctors today...
Omg. Are you ok. Are they doing surgery? Xx
Yeah Hun iam ok , iam not in any pain now , hospital refused so iam going to another one instead and Doctors on Monday again xxx
What do you mean hospital refused. How do you know your having an ectopic. Xxx
Doctors examined my stomach and it’s sore at my left side lower stomach and it was sore she took my symptoms down and she put it down to an eptopic pregnancy but she was new and training so iam not sure now , she said there’s definitely a chance of pregnancy xxx
Did she take a test have you had a test. If your ectopic it's an urgent matter you can't just sit and. Wait especially when you don't have periods your tube could rupture any time xxx
If your Dr suspects that she should have rung the epu or hospital and sent you with a letter hun. You need to be seen ASAP. Xx
I know Hun but she didn’t she printed all my stuff off since I was little as well , my stomach bloats on a night I look about 3 months pregnant, iam going to ring the ward Hun xxxx
Yes your record they print off and she should have wrote you a letter and you need to get to hospital hun. It's an emergency not trying to scare you but ectopic is. Matter between life and death if not caught in time xxx
Ah okay Hun , what if she’s got it wrong? I don’t have any signs of it at all xxxx
Some ppl don't till it's too late plus you've had left sided pain hun. Not a joke. If a gp has suspected it best to safe than sorry xxx
Okay Hun cheers! Xxxx
Let me know. Good luck xx
You've been having lots of cramping recently and. Feeling sick so they're pregnancy signs ppl with ectopic get them too xx